Category: Ordinary Time


HOMILY SUNDAY 30 – B Seeing With the Eyes of Faith (Jeremiah 31:7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 5:1-6; Mark 10:46-52) *********************************************************** Fr. Pat Martin is a legally blind priest who gave a retreat in Pine House, Saskatchewan some years back. He thanked God for his blindness because it brought him closer to God and helped him […]

Faith-Fidelity-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

HOMILY WEEK 29 03 – Year I Instruments of Righteousness: Optional Memorial of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (Rm 6:12-18; Ps 124; Lk 12:39-48) ********************************************* “Present yourselves to God as instruments of righteousness.” That sentence from the first reading to the Romans, the reading itself and the gospel combine to offer us a clear two-pronged message: […]

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