Category: Articles


CHRISTMAS WEEKDAYS – JANUARY 06 Radical Grace – Radical Newness (1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147; Mk 1:4-11) ********************************************** “John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness.” That simple, innocent looking statement holds a radical content that is key to appreciating the gospel. It invites us to place our faith in Jesus as Son of God and […]

St Frédéric Jansoone

HOMILY WEEK 17 06 – Year I Jubilee, Justice and Hope: Optional Memorial of St Frédéric Jansoone (Lev 25:1-17; Ps 67; Mt 14:1-12) ************************************** Have you walked through a Holy Door during the Jubilee Year of Mercy? Although that Jubilee Year ended in November of 2016, we are invited, as followers of Jesus, to live […]

Humility and Love

WEEK 31 01 – Year II Unity, Humility and Love (Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131; Lk 14:12-14) ********************************** “Coincidence is God working anonymously.” That saying seems to apply to the readings today, as the message they contain just happens to be rather remarkably reflected by an article at the back of the same issue of Living […]


HOMILY LENT WEEK 02 02 – Year II The Making of a Lenten Stew (Is 1:10-31; Ps 50; Mt 23:1-12) ******************************************* The readings today make a good stew. A stew includes some main ingredients, such as meat, potatoes, carrots, peas, garlic, and onion, and lots of spices. Then it is slow cooked to perfection. The […]


HOMILY LENT WEEK 02 01 – Year II Giving and Receiving – Gospel Karma: (Dan 9:3-10; Ps 79; Lk 6:36-38) ************************************************ The last line of today’s gospel (the measure we give is the measure we get) seems like a throw-away line, but in a homily for today, Ron Rolheiser pointed out the importance of this […]

HOMILY WEEK 09 03 – Year I Faith and Trust in God Optional Memorial of Saints Marcellinus and Peter (Tob 3:1-17; Ps 25; Mk 12:18-27) ************************************ Can you remember a time when you were in dire distress? What was your prayer like at that moment? The liturgy today invites us to trust God at all […]

Good Friday-Cross-Passion

GOOD FRIDAY HOMILY – (Homily 01) Choose Jesus’ New Way of Life (Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1-19:42) ******************************************************* In the movie Passion of the Christ, Jesus, beaten, bloodied and half dead, meets his mother and tells her simply, “Behold, I am making all things new.” This is the shocking reality of […]

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