Category: Articles


Instruments of Righteousness (Rm 6:12-18; Ps 124; Lk 12:39-48) ********************************* “Present yourselves to God as instruments of righteousness.” That sentence from the first reading to the Romans, the reading itself and the gospel combine to offer us a clear two-pronged message: let go of sin and do the will of God. In other words, be […]

HOMILY WEEK 28 04 – Yr I

Justified by Faith – St Paul of the Cross (Rm 3:21-30; Ps 130; Lk 11:47-54) ******************************************* Someone once said that if Christians wanted others to believe in their redeemer, they needed to act more redeemed. The readings today invite us to live the fullness of our redemption. St. Paul, in the first reading, becomes very […]

HOMILY WEEK 27 06 – Yr I

Listening and Obeying (Joel 3:12-21; Ps97; Lk 11:27-28) *************************************** “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” That statement from Jesus in today’s gospel needs a bit of tweaking for our society today that is full of sound bites, news clips, fake news and catchy headlines. We are challenged by […]


Commentaries on the Readings (Joel 1:13-2:2; Ps 9; Lk 11:15-26) ************************************** The readings today are a challenge to understand and break open, so I am going to lean on the commentaries to shed light on these difficult passages. The New Revised Standard Version of the bible informs us that Beelzebul was originally the title of […]

HOMILY WEEK 27 03 – Yr I

An Extreme Faith Makeover (Jonah 4:1-11; Ps 86; Lk 11:1-4) **************************************** “Extreme Makeover” TV shows that involve the transformation of a plain looking person into a stunning display of poise and beauty, or a run-down house into a work of art, all end with a “big reveal” of the finished product that impresses people. One […]

HOMILY WEEK 27 02 – Yr I

Genuine Repentance and Mature Prayer (Jonah 3:1-10; Ps 129; Lk 10:38-42) ************************************************ Usually the liturgists who choose the readings for the Eucharist try to find a link or connection between the reading and the gospel. Not so today – the readings provide us with two very distinct messages about repentance and about prayer. The wonderful, […]


Blessings, Gratitude and Praise (Col 3:12-17; Ps 113; Mt 7:7-12) ************************************** Years ago, a Trappist monk happened to make a comment on TV that stayed with me: “A grateful person is a happy person.” That simple statement can be an invitation on this Thanksgiving Day to count our blessings, be grateful and praise God for […]

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