

The Cross as Spiritual Vaccination

(Num 21:4-9; Ps 102; Jn 8:21-30)


Have you ever wondered why we Catholics put so much emphasis on the crucifix, bearing a corpus, and not just a plain cross? One example would certainly be my own Oblate cross.

The readings today invite us to put our faith in the crucified Christ, hanging on the cross between two thieves, and experience more deeply the redemption he won for us on that cross.

Richard Rohr has some very interesting insights into today’s readings in a Lenten reflection he entitled Spiritual Vaccination. I would like to share them along with some of my own reflections.

The focus is on the rod of Asclepius, or its common variation, the caduceus, on medical insignia throughout the world. It was the symbol of the Greek god of healing, and is found in the first reading from the book of Numbers (21:4-9). It is a single or double serpent winding around a pole. We are not sure if the Greeks or the Hebrews had it first. But its meaning was a universal discovery that today we would call “vaccination.” In short, “the cause is also the cure.” This seems to be true both medically and spiritually.

Moses prescribes such medicine to the complaining Hebrews in the desert, who were being bit by winged/fiery serpents. When the people complain to Moses, and Moses turns to God for a solution, God tells him to make a bronze version of the same and put it on a standard, which is unusual considering their prohibition against idols. The people were to look at this bronze serpent, and they would live. And it worked.

What I find significant is God actually tells Moses to “make a poisonous serpent.” Very interesting – a poisonous serpent that has no poison in it because it is made of bronze. That implies that the serpent on the standard looks exactly like the poisonous serpents on the ground – but heals instead of kills. What a powerful image of Jesus on the cross, who looked exactly like the two thieves, like a guilty criminal, yet was sinless and in that selfless action of giving his life for us, redeemed us and heals us to this day when we put our faith in him, the cause who is also the cure!

This meaningful and healing symbol returns again in John’s Gospel. The recurring phrase is “the one lifted up.” It has now become a rallying cry for Jesus who was raised up on the cross and thus “vaccinated us against” having the same being done to us (3:13 and 19:37). Jesus being “lifted up” is offered as a healing icon of love to all of history (12:32), and as a victory sign of the final resurrection and ascension of all humanity, as is prefigured in today’s account about the archetypal “Human One,” Jesus (8:28).

Rohr states this is powerful material, just as vaccinations are. The crucified Jesus is God’s vaccination plan against humanity’s desire to scapegoat and kill, reveals God’s universal and healing love, and helps us encounter God as the great healer.

This crucified one is divine medicine brought down to a small but potent dosage so we can handle it and it can handle us. That is what true spiritual symbols always do. Any direct contact with God is like contact with an electric wire – too powerful for us (recall that even Moses could not see the face of God). It will burn us unless we have some good filters (prayer, devotions, sacraments, other people) and a very humble humanity to receive it.

No wonder so many Catholics and Orthodox never tire of hanging images of the crucified Jesus in their homes and in their churches. We need to “lift up” and “gaze upon” the transformative image just as Moses first did in the desert. It can and did and will change many lives and much of history.

As we ponder the Word of God today, let us pray for an always deeper faith in Christ crucified, and that we will continue to grow in the experience of the redemption wrought for us on the cross.







Updated: March 31, 2020 — 1:49 pm


  1. Whenever we look at the cross ; we would think about how Jesus crucified on the cross . The cross represents God’s mercy , passion and sufferings for us. We should also experience Jesus’ pain and sufferings when he sacrifice his life for us. We are the ones who condemn Jesus to life by our faults and sins . It is telling us we should obey the law and the commandments ; but we should learn to forgive one another as we forgive ourselves. We should not use harsh words and act out of anger like seeking revenge . This is divine mercy to transform humanity in making us realize that we need mercy and forgiveness in order to change our behavior and who we are. It is God who revealed to Jesus when he was lifted up to the cross ; during the time of his death. Whereas Moses cannot see the image of God in the burning bush . Jesus being crucified is a divine medicine or vaccination is a plan against humanity and hopefully it will save us from any condemnation. Amen. Thanks be to God.

    1. It is beautifully written about the understanding of the cross being a divine medicine or vaccination . Yes, I agree with the readings along with the reflections . Thanks again Bishop Sylvain Lavoie . The Coronaviruses keeps on rising and overruling the entire world . I wonder when is this going to end as we keep on praying . May God protect each one of us. Amen. ??????❤️❤️??????

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