

The Healing Power of Humility

(2 Kg 5:1-15a; Ps 42; Lk 4:24-30)


What comes first – faith or healing?

Ordinarily, we would automatically think the answer would be faith, as so often in the scriptures, Jesus would say things like “Your faith has saved you” or ask, “Do you believe I can do this.” The readings today, however, describe how healing can also lead to faith, through the means of humble obedience.

The reading from 2 Kings begins on the note of faith – a young Israeli captive girl believes the prophet Elisha could heal her master. As a result of her faith which reaches the king, the important general Naaman ends up at the house of Elisha to be healed of his leprosy.

When advised by the prophet to simply bathe in the muddy Jordan seven times, his false pride and haughtiness takes over, and he heads home. Convinced by his servants to just be humble and acquiesce to that demand, he does so, probably doubting all along and grumbling to himself as he repeatedly dips in the Jordan. On the seventh time, he suddenly finds himself healed. It is not so much the muddy waters of the Jordan that healed him, as his humble obedience. But Naaman is not only healed – he is transformed. He returns to the prophet to proclaim there is no God in all the earth except in Israel, and in that same account, actually takes along some soil so that he could worship this new-found God on the soil of Israel. In his case, healing overcame doubt and led to faith in the one true God of Israel.

In its own poetic way, the psalm continues the same pattern of faith coming last. It is the “light and truth” of God that leads us to the “holy mountain” of God, and there, we will experience exceeding joy and praise God. The experience of truth, goodness and beauty, the transcendental attributes of God, are intended to lead us to a deeper faith relationship with God. Where we find truth, genuine goodness and profound beauty, there we will find God.

The gospel stands in stark contrast. Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life – who is the truth, goodness and beauty of God incarnate – comes to his home town, and reflects back to them the sad reality of their lack of faith in him – healing happened to a pagan widow and a pagan leper, and not to those in Israel. That painful truth was too much for them, and they responded, not with repentant faith, but with rage smoldering into murderous intent. They who should have been the first to believe and accept Jesus, did just the opposite – reject and want to get rid of him. When Jesus speaks the truth to his hometown crowd, they prove to be too proud and stubborn to accept him as a prophet and as the messiah, because he was too ordinary.

So, there is healing power in humility, and in many instances, humility is the key to accessing the healing power of God. That insight is built into the 12 Step program of A.A. Step 1 is a very humble step: “Admitted I was powerless over alcohol, and that my life had become unmanageable.” On this foundation of humility, God’s power can go to work as individuals and groups work the rest of the steps leading to new life and freedom through faith, fellowship and self-awareness.

The Eucharist brings faith and humility together, as it is an act of humble faith, of hoping in the Lord and trusting in his Word. We believe humble gifts of bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus who forgives and heals us through this sacrament and transforms us into his Body.

Empowered by this celebration, we are sent out into the world to spread this message of hope for healing through faith and humble obedience to God’s word and will.

Updated: March 16, 2020 — 6:29 pm


  1. You ask us what comes first is having faith then healing because we should trust and believe in God. So, if we have faith in God then anything could happen. Just like in a Charismatic event and healing services;,if there is no God or Jesus Christ how can we be healed by physical illnesses and pain. I have seen many who are paralyzed and asking Bob Canton a healing minister to pray over this woman’s legs and heal her at the same time. After, the priest and the Bob Canton asked her to get up from her wheel chair and demonstrate if she could walk a couple of steps . Yes, she did without anyone’s help . She walked around in a huge circle and back. The priest asked her who healed you ; she said It is Jesus Christ. It was an amazing experience , a bunch of us was also praying over this woman. Of course she is humble , powerless and faithful that God his Holy Spirit was able to heal her legs so she walk again . She was evangelizing or spreading this message to people that there is faith, hope and obedience to God’s word. Amen. Thanks be to God.

    1. I thought this story and example fits well with the readings and homily for today. I went to many healing services and masses . I have seened many types of People asking God or Jesus Christ to healed them from any types of illness. As long as we have faith, being humble and hope then anything is possible. Nothing is impossible. Robert Canton is one of the famous healing ministers in this world. I have been to his lectures and healing services twice. It was a blessing . It is beautiful. Your homilies are awesome . Gracias! Bishop Sykvain Lavoie . May God be with you. ❤️❤️????????

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