Faith, Healing and Intimacy
(James 5:9-12; Ps 103; Mk 10:1-12)
A Sunday school teacher said to her children, “We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But, there is a higher power. Can anybody tell me what it is?”A small hand shot up immediately and the owner blurted out, “Aces!”
Two clear distinct realities in the readings today come together in the end – our image of a loving God, and Christian marriage.
Sometimes in recovery circles, one hears things like “I only learned of a loving God when I joined the program” or “I was raised to fear God.” There are many rather negative images of God in many peoples’ minds. Some may even be reacting to a God they were taught wrongly about.
Psalm 103, taken from the Old Testament often blamed for a harsh image of God, is a gem in terms of our image of God, certainly setting the stage for the God revealed by Jesus Christ.
We are told in this psalm God forgives our iniquity, heals our diseases, redeems our life from the pit, and crowns us with steadfast love. It goes on to describe God as merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Above all, God is very forgiving, not holding onto any anger over us, and actually removes our transgressions as far as the east is from west. In a few passages, both in the Old and New Testament, God even tells us God will deal with our iniquity and not even remember our sins! And if God forgets our sins, they no longer exist. Now that is forgiveness.
This forms the basis for the two-fold mission of Jesus as the Messiah: to redeem and to sanctify; to forgive and to heal. We need to come to him for forgiveness of our sins, but even more important, come to him for healing of our sinfulness, that which makes us sin – our painful emotions like anger and bitterness, our defects of character or negative attitudes like false pride, stubborn self-righteousness, superiority, tendency to judge, and our addictions, both chemical and process.
The ultimate revelation of God, of course, is what Jesus accomplished on the cross. The moment of his death, the huge curtain in the temple was ripped from top to bottom. That curtain was there to keep people out of the Holy of Holies, which only the high priest could enter once a year after purifying himself. There is no separation now between us and God – on the cross we can see right into the heart of Jesus, and what we see is a God who is merciful, compassionate, forgiving, unconditional love, totally non-violent and dynamic, intimate relationship of perichoresis, a divine dance.
In today’s Gospel, God as Trinity, intimate relationship comes to the fore. We hear of the challenge of achieving intimacy Jesus gives to married couples, a challenge that will keep a marriage strong. The challenge is to become one, to have no secrets, to trust each other and forgive each other everything.
In John 14, Jesus goes so far as to say that when a couple achieve that kind of intimacy, he and the Father will come and make their home in them, and Jesus will reveal himself to them. The best way a couple will therefore experience the Trinity, is to achieve intimacy, and they will experience God in their relationship. This is truly incarnational theology.
One lady attending a Marriage Encounter Deeper Training weekend in Toronto answered the question, “How do I feel when I achieve intimacy with my spouse?” with words like, “There is no separation, barriers or walls between us.” It struck me she was experiencing salvation through her intimate relationship with her husband.

Banner of couples who prayed for a couple on the last w/e in Edmonton
Two movements in the Church today are doing their best to build up marriages and avoid the tragedy of divorce. Marriage Encounter seeks to make good marriages better, and Retrovaille helps couples on the verge of breaking up save their marriages. I am fortunate to be involved as a team bishop/priest for Marriage Encounter and would encourage any married couple to attend as a way to enrich their marriage and come closer to living the ideal Jesus presents to us.

ME team at Desroches w/e in BC in 2017
The Eucharist that we celebrate now is an intimate moment with our God, who forgives and heals us even as we celebrate.
So, let us come to Jesus for forgiveness and healing, and strive to achieve intimacy in our lives with our loved ones.
Well to have an intimate relationship with God we have to learn to forgive people and to have love in our hearts . We need to know God being a life saviour, forgive us all the time and with unconditional love and having mercy. He also wants us to the same to follow him and acknowledge his teachings so we can be healed from God and Jesus Christ. Now and not the least , it is Jesus Christ who can heal us from any sins when we celebrate the Eucharist and if we are praying by ourselves. If we learn to accept God and Jesus Christ as the son of God then we will be set free. It’s like the marriage couples entering the program to improve their relations and strengthens their intimacy that had been many years. Praying for your love…. Blessings ! Blessings !
Bishop , thanks for the lovely messages and advices that we need to keep in our minds to deepen our faith and understanding with the Trinitarian God. Thanks for the pictures and stories.
Aces represent God the Father , Jesus Christ as the son of God and the Holy Spirit . The Trinity , 3 persons in one. This is more powerful.