Joyful Suffering
(Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47; Jn 16:20-23)
“You will have pain, but your pain will be turned into joy.”
Today’s gospel invites us into a radical stance towards suffering and pain – to see it as redemptive, full of purpose, and even a source of joy.
Jesus uses the image of childbirth to describe the life of the early disciples as they seek to follow him and form his Body the Church, after his death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.
Velma mentioned at a gathering her faith gave her an incredible peace and even joy that was otherwise unexplainable not only during the pain of giving birth to her children, but later on during the subsequent challenges of raising them and eventually experiencing the break-up of her marriage.
The way she put it was that suffering and joy were two sides of the same coin. The saying, “For those who believe, no explanation is needed; for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible” comes to mind.
Along that same line, Eddie, former Oblate and custodian of the Shroud of Turin when it is displayed, tells of a coroner in Los Angeles who upon seeing the shroud, told him the violence of the deaths of the hundreds of bodies on which he had done autopsies was written on their faces. Looking at the shroud, he remarked it was obvious this man had died a violent death, but his face was totally at peace.

Shroud of Turin
Jesus, on the cross, was at peace because he was grounded in his trust in the Father’s love for him and the knowledge that he was doing the Father’s will. One could dare to say, like a mother giving birth, he was even experiencing some joy, knowing he was giving birth to a new way of life, and a new reality, the Church that would be his presence in the world.

Shroud Turin – face of Jesus
Ron Rolheiser teaches to suffer and accept some pain in faith, without bitterness or resentment, is to already be in the kingdom of God. Actually, that is the key to the kingdom.
That truth flies in the face of our modern society that in its lack of faith, cannot tolerate any inconvenience or suffering, to the point of procuring abortions of any unborn child diagnosed with imperfections, or doctor-assisted suicide for patients deemed unworthy to be cared for, or afraid of some suffering.
Maclean’s Magazine recently carried an article about a man who counsels people considering ending their lives. He tries to remain objective and help them in their discernment, but also provides them with the information they need if they decide to end their lives prematurely. In that article, he admits he and his wife ended the life of their unborn child when they were told this child would be born with medical problems. That is the scenario when there is a lack of faith in the redemptive value of suffering that can even be a source of joy.
The Eucharist is a gift of love from the One who did not shirk from suffering for us, to the point of offering his life for us.
May our celebration strengthen our faith in that unconditional love, and empower us to accept some redemptive suffering in our lives with peace in our hearts, and even profound joy in our souls,
Our lives will have pain and sufferings as we face difficulties each day. It would be good if we do not have any pain and everything runs smoothly. Just like people who have several illness and they have to deal with the pain everyday by taking medications and exercising. Some people who have disabilities and unable to do certain things , people lying in bed all the time and they cannot move. They feel the pain and sufferings everyday . These people wanted to end their lives all the time , but they can cope and hold it till end of their lives. There are people who are healed by certain diseases like cancer, the flu and producing Shringles , etc. This is joy if you can accept redemptive sufferings in our lives and build up the strength to overcome these obstacles. I am also dealing with the pain and sufferings of the seizures for more than 10 years , but I still have the ability to reach for joy as I on the road to recovery. Amen
I tried many method of reducing these seizures by eating these organic food , like Flax seeds and wheat Germ . These food can also reduce the inflammation, Cholesterol levels , heart diseases. Finally , God is the one healing my illness and other problems that I have in my life. I felt the Holy Spirit with me since last year when I was singing and shaking strongly during the Mass and Eucharistic celebrations. This time I am also speaking in tongues and singing in tongues. I felt relieve and joy of battling this sickness for many years especially studying in University, that was the toughest. Thanks Bishop Lavoie for the message and teachings in today”s gospel readings.