Humble Faith and Trust
(1 Sam 4:1-11; Ps 44; Mk 1:40-45)
Have you ever wondered, “Where is God?” when something bad happened to you?
The readings today provide us with a simple, clear and important message: Be humble and trust in God at all times and in all circumstances.
To better understand the first reading and its relationship to this message, we need to know the back-story from the Book of Samuel. It is the time of the temple in Shiloh that pre-dated the temple built by Solomon, so this is early Israeli history. The chief priest Eli is old, eyes dimmed, somewhat lazy and negligent in his duties, not disciplining his two, wayward priest-sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who are abusing their priestly power and oppressing the faithful for their own selfish ends.
Into this temple came a barren woman, Hannah, to pray for a child. Eli was also judgmental and accused her of being drunk. God heard her prayer, however, and she gave birth to Samuel, whom she gave back to God. God called the young Samuel as he was ministering in the temple, to give him a message that God was fed up with the whole corrupt, self-serving sacrificial religion the institutional temple worship had become, and would give Israel into the hands of its enemies to chastise it, wake it up, purify it and try to draw it back to the original humble, intimate covenant relationship it was to have with God.
That is what we see happening in the first reading today. Israel had a skirmish with the Philistines, lost that skirmish, went to Plan B involving the ark of God, and tried again. This time they were totally defeated, there was a great slaughter, even the ark of God was captured, and the sons of Eli killed in battle.
The psalmist reacts to this event, wondering if God was asleep and trying to wake God up. The psalm becomes a lament at what seems to be rejection by God – they have been abased, taunted, scorned by the enemy, made a laughingstock among the nations – it was a total disaster and all they can do is wonder why would God allow such a thing to happen.
Bishop Robert Barron, in a homily on the call of Samuel, reflects on how similar this situation is to today. Certain priests in the church have abused their priestly position to sexually abuse others. Sexual abuse is especially heinous because we are created male and female in the image of God. To be abused in that way is to strike at the very essence of our being and becomes soul-pain. Certain bishops have also been negligent, failing to report this abuse and even covering it up, putting the institution before the needs of the innocent victims. The point Barron makes is that God today is doing what God did in the time of Samuel – use those who seem to be enemies of the Church – the media and the courts – as instruments to purify the church, to chastise it and renew it.
It may be some consolation to realize that now Hollywood and the Church have something in common – perhaps God is also using abused women as instruments to bring to task sexual abusers in that industry and also purify Hollywood!
Now we shift to the gospel where, if we have the eyes to see, Jesus reveals who God really is, how God operates, and the stance we must have before our God (and that both Israel and Hollywood should also have before God).
First, a leper comes to Jesus, humbly kneeling and begging him for healing. The leper presumes nothing – he fully expects Jesus to shun him like everyone else, and so leaves it up to Jesus to heal “if he so chooses.” That leper is us (and what Israel should have been) with a stance of humble faith that we are to have before God. We come fully aware of our leprosy – our sin and sinfulness, our false pride and selfish ways, clinging especially to and abusing those false gods of possessions and pleasure, prestige and fame, power and control – our need for forgiveness and healing.
In the face of this humble faith, Jesus reveals to us the true face of God who is mercy and compassion to the humble who alone can receive it. Jesus chooses to heal, and the leper is made clean. It is interesting that Jesus admonishes him not to tell anyone about this, but to show himself to the temple priests (an allusion that that the situation in Jesus’ day was no better than in the time of Samuel). More than that, the gospel ends with a wonderful, delicate touch that many may miss – the leper, in his joy at being healed, disregards Jesus’ “messianic secret” request not to say anything and proclaims it freely. As a result, Jesus “becomes the leper” himself, isolated like a leper, unable to go into a town openly.
This is who our God truly is – one who loves us so totally and fully that God will send his Son to become one of us, take on our sinful human condition (become a leper), to the point of dying for us on the cross. As we know, it does not end there, but rather led to resurrection, the overcoming of sin and death, and the possibility of a new, eternal life of walking humbly with our God.

Crucifix Westminster Abbey church
Rabbi Kushner wrote a book, “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People,” addressing this mystery. The best answer to that question is Jesus – who demonstrates that God is always drawing good out of evil, turning everything to the good for those who love him. For that reason, we are to always be humble, and place our complete trust in Jesus at all times and in all circumstances.
The Eucharist is an act par excellence of humble faith. We humbly confess our sins and admit our sinfulness and brokenness in the penitential rite. We open our hearts to hear God’s Word in the readings. We believe that humble gifts of bread and wine, representing our sorrows and joys, the totality of our lives, are transformed into the very body and blood of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. And we who receive are in turn transformed into the Body of Christ, sent out to bring that unconditional love of God that we have received, to an unbelieving and struggling world.

Interior of Westminster Abbey church
So, let us celebrate with humble faith, and as the prophet Micah so aptly put it, act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.
I always wonder where God is when bad things happen to me or about to happen to me. Couple of times when I am about to seize up or have a seizure late at night in bed. I kind of have a sense that something is about to happen. This problem happens at night when you are sleeping. But, I always overcome it all the time and I seem to have a sense God is with me all time when I seize up. He always kill that enemy or satan with force if it is more than 3 mins. Even one time when I was home alone by myself, I was 1 years old, my parents accidentally left me at home . It was only 3 mins , my mother thought I was in the car seat in the car.
No matter it is in the past and years ago I already forgiven them . We have tried to let go all our sins, hatred, anger , and resentment that we have bottled up inside us for years. We need to let go of the pasts and accept the present to be healed. We accept our sins and learn from our sins and mistakes. Why some people happen to have severe illness like cancer, a stroke , Parkinson’s disease, heart diseases, etc . These people have not done anything wrong and commit any sins . ” Why bad things happen to Good People” I have seen many cases like this…… We should learn to trust God and have humble faith and walk humbly with God. Many Blessings! Thanks for the message Bishop.
God is always here for us whether it is right now and later, no matter it is difficult or not. Amen