Balancing Devotion with Imitation
(Gen 3:9-20; Ps 98; Eph 1:3-12; Lk 1:26-38)
A husband asked his wife why she had purchased an expensive dress after she had told him she was only going window shopping. She replied that she did go window shopping and that when she saw that beautiful dress in the window, she couldn’t resist the temptation to buy it. Her husband asked why she didn’t do what Jesus did in the bible, and say, “Get behind me Satan?” She replied she did that, and he said, “It looks even better from behind” so she bought it!
In December of 2016, I was chaplain for a group of pilgrims to the Holy Land, and was privileged to preside at the Eucharist on this feast of the Immaculate Conception. The celebration took place in the cave/grotto where St. Jerome spent 35 years translating the Hebrew and Aramaic texts into the Latin Vulgate.

Bethlehem, St Jerome
The Word of God that he translated invites us to balance devotion to Mary with imitation of her, especially in doing the will of God.
Fr. Cantalamessa, the papal preacher, went so far as to say that imitation of Mary is more important than devotion to her. I would suggest that we balance both devotion to, and imitation of, Mary in our lives, especially by imitating her fiat and doing the will of God.
The first reading of the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve reminds us of the reality of temptation to put our faith in the false gods of possessions and pleasure, prestige and fame, power and control. Their failure to obey the will of God led to what we call original sin, a woundedness that affects our world to this day.
Some would say that we all have an original wound, or core grief, that underlies our addictions and our wrongdoing – our own original sinfulness.
The psalm reassures us that there is one who is victorious, who has done marvelous things, and that we should sing to the Lord a new song to celebrate this reality.
St. Paul, in his words to the Ephesians in the second reading, identifies this victor as Jesus Christ, who is holy and blameless in love, and who has adopted us into his own divine life as sons and daughters so that we could live to the praise of his glory.
The familiar story of the annunciation in the Gospel reminds us that Mary shares in the victory of Jesus, her son, over sin and death. As such, she was sinless from the moment of her conception, holy and immaculate, filled with grace, with no original sin or wound, for nothing is impossible with God. We are invited to venerate her, and above all, to imitate her qualities of faith, compassion, justice and genuine caring.
The late Gerald May, a Catholic psychologist and good friend of Richard Rohr’s, would have come to the Queen’s House of Retreats in Saskatoon years ago at the invitation of then program coordinator Lucie Leduc, but had to decline because of illness. In his book entitled Will and Grace, he points out the choice we have: we can be stubborn and willful, resisting God’s grace and landing ourselves into all kinds of trouble, or we can be willing and open to God’s will, becoming like Mary, full of grace and obedient to how God wants to use us to build up the reign of God here on earth.

Late Gerald May
Step 11 of the 12 Step program invites us through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, seeking only the knowledge of God’s will for us, and the power to carry it out. That Step fits the feast of the Immaculate Conception like a glove.
The Eucharist is a celebration of how Jesus, like Mary, did the will of the Father, at the cost of his life. May our celebration deepen our faith in Jesus, Son of Mary, and empower us to balance devotion to Mary with imitation of Mary in our lives.
Well you seem to know what is on my mind these days . I have the same messages and homilies on my mind today about Blessed Virgin Mary being sinless in her Immaculate Conception. Your description and message is clearly stated on the original sins and about being stubborn. Amen.
You mention about the wife buying an expensive dress while going window shopping. Just a few days I was at this store looking at their tops and Jackets and other products. I felt new and lost like I do not belong here anymore. All their clothes, accessories and other products are over $ 100, $ 200 dollars on sale and not on sale. I don’t need expensive stuff and high class products anymore . The store is Holt Renfew , I have not been in their store in years . I used to go to the shop while in Downtown. Even if I like the dress and top I would wait until if is super on sale and clearance items. I do not shop at those stores anymore and I was just looking around. I basically changed and not that person anymore and even that drama Queen.