HOMILY WEEK 05 03 – Year II (1Kg 10:1-10; Ps 37; Mk 7:14-23) ************************************** “May the Lord let his light shine on the dark areas of your life.” Those were the words on a card a grade eleven student gave me once. I was taken aback by them at first, surprised they were coming from […]
St. Paul Miki and Companions
HOMILY WEEK 05 02 – Year II Worship from the Heart: Memorial of St. Paul Miki and Companions (1 Kg 8:22-30; Ps 84; Mk 7:1-13) ******************************************************** Did you notice that the word “heart” is mentioned in all three readings today? “Your servants who walk before you with all their heart” in the first reading; “My […]
St. Agatha
HOMILY WEEK 05 01 – Year II Living in Glorious Simplicity: Memorial of St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr (1 Kg 8:1-13; Ps 132; Mk 6:53-56) *********************************************** Perhaps you have heard the expression we should “live simply, so that others can simply live.” Today’s liturgy invites us to emulate Jesus in a simple way of life […]
Radical Discipleship
HOMILY SUNDAY 05 – B Radical Discipleship – Secret of the Kingdom (Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39) *********************************************************** Did you know there is a secret to the kingdom of God? The message from today’s readings and a legal decision in Canada, is that while we can and should pray and hope […]
St. Blaise
HOMILY WEEK 04 06 – Year II A Balanced Life of Wise Compassion and Prayerful Solitude: Optional Memorial of St. Blaise (1Kg 3:4-13; Ps 118; Mk 6:30-34) ***************************************************** Solomon’s prayer in the first reading today is a reminder to us of balancing the rational and emotional mind so that we too can have that wise […]
Presentation of the Lord
HOMILY – PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Year B (Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 24; Heb 2:10-18; Lk 2:22-24) ****************************************************** A traveller in Africa tells this story of passing through a drought-stricken area and being followed by a small, emaciated, hungry, shy boy who came out of the bush. Whenever the traveller stopped, the boy stopped also. Finally […]
HOMILY WEEK 04 04 – Year II Our Royal, Missionary Mandate: (1 Kg 2:1-12; 1 Chron 29; Mk 6:7-13 ******************************************** While travelling as a university student with Cast C of the international singing group Up With People in 1969, we performed for King Beaudoin and Queen Fabiola of Belgium in their jungle garden. I was […]
St. John Bosco
HOMILY WEEK 04 03 – Year II Truly Trusting or Taking Offence? Memorial of St. John Bosco (2 Sam 24:2-17; Ps 32; Mk 6:1-6) ************************************** “They took offence at him.” (Mark 6:3) Today’s readings present us with a choice – to truly trust in Jesus or to end up, in one form or another, taking […]
Faith and Healing
HOMILY WEEK 04 02 – Year II On Faith, Compassion, Grieving and Healing (2 Sam 18:9-19:3; Ps 86; Mk 5:21-43) ******************************************** “Believe, have compassion, heal and grieve.” These words capture the essence of the readings today and provide us with this message: Come to Jesus with faith, have compassion, experience healing, and be empowered to […]
HOMILY WEEK 04 01 – Year II On Not Throwing Stones: (2 Sam 15:13 – 16:13; Ps 3; Mk 5:1-20 *********************************************** A vain king who lived in a glass palace and loved hoarding, kept on buying more and more thrones and storing them in his attic. Finally, one day they all came crashing down. The […]