HOMILY WEEK 03 03 – Year II Loving Intimacy and Fulfilling the Law of Love: (Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147; Mt 5:17-19) ********************************************* Two sentences sum up the message from today’s readings: “I have come, not to abolish but to fulfill” by Jesus in the gospel, and “What great nation is there that has gods […]
HOMILY LENT WEEK 03 02 – Year II Forgiveness and the Furnace of Resentment: (Dan 3:25-43; Ps 25; Mt 18:21-35) ********************************************* A lady confessed the sin of narcissism, of vanity to a priest. She claimed she was so beautiful that she was wasting countless hours admiring herself in the mirror, putting on make-up, neglecting her […]
St. Casimir
HOMILY LENT WEEK 03 01 – Year II The Healing Power of Humility: Optional Memorial of St. Casimir (2 Kg 5:1-15a; Ps 42; Lk 4:24-30) ****************************************** What comes first – faith or healing? Ordinarily, we would automatically think the answer would be faith, as often in the scriptures, Jesus would say things like “Your faith […]
Temples of the Holy Spirit
HOMILY LENT SUNDAY 3 – B Temples of the Holy Spirit (Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 18; 1 Corinthians 1:18, 22-25; John 2:13-25) ************************************************************ Bob, a young priest who was not that self-aware was walking outside with a companion during a retreat. Hector, another priest whom he knew was walking toward him with someone else. Hector looked […]
HOMILY LENT WEEK 02 06 – YEAR II On Being as Compassionate as God (Micah 7:14-15, 18-30; Ps 103; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32) *********************************************** When was the last time you saw a play? Today’s liturgy unfolds like a three-act play, inviting us to be as compassionate as our God is compassionate. The prophet Micah provides the […]
WEEKDAY LENT WEEK 02 05 – Year II Resisting Repentance (Gen 37:3-28; Ps 105; Mt 21:33-46) ******************************************* The poet, Robert Frost, wrote these memorable words: “Something there is that does not love a wall; that sends the groundswell under it.” There is something in human nature that does not love goodness; that resists it and […]
Faith, Hope, Love
HOMILY LENT WEEK 02 04 – Year II Living the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity: (Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1: Lk 16:19-31) *************************************************** The parish of St. Albert, Alberta, for its anniversary celebration some years ago, chose the theme “Rooted in Faith, Living with Hope, Growing in Love.” That theme fits today’s readings, inviting […]
Faith, Suffering and Service
HOMILY WEEK 02 03 – Year II Faith, Suffering and Service (Jer18:18-20; Ps 31; Mt 20:17-28) ************************************* Activist Daniel Berrigan once stated that before deciding to follow Jesus, we should consider how good we look on wood! The message from today’s readings is simple and straightforward: following Jesus will involve suffering and service. This is […]
St. Gregory of Narek
HOMILY LENT WEEK 02 02 – Year II The Making of a Lenten Stew: Optional Memorial of St. Gregory of Narek (Is 1:10-31; Ps 50; Mt 23:1-12) ******************************************* The readings today make a good stew. A stew includes some main ingredients, such as meat, potatoes, carrots, peas, garlic, and onion, and lots of spices. Then […]
Do Not Judge
HOMILY LENT WEEK 02 01 – Year II Giving and Receiving – Gospel Karma: (Dan 9:3-10; Ps 79; Lk 6:36-38) ************************************************ The last line of today’s gospel (the measure we give is the measure we get) seems like a throw-away line, but in a homily for today, Ron Rolheiser pointed out the importance of this […]