A Spirituality of Letting Go

WEEK 08 01 – Year I (Sir 17:24-29; Ps 32; Mk 10:17-27) ********************************************** Today’s readings encourage us to pray for faith strong enough to practice a spirituality of letting go. Two of my mentors, Ron Rolheiser OMI and Richard Rohr OFM, share comments pertinent to these readings. Rohr posits that good spirituality is all about […]

Marriage and Friendship

HOMILY WEEK 7 05 – Year I (Sirach 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12) ********************************* The readings today speak to us of marriage and friendship and the connection between the two. In so doing, they invite us to strive to be faithful friends to the Lord and to one another. In the Gospel, Jesus is confronted with the […]

Marriage and Friendship

HOMILY WEEK 7 05 – Year I (Sirach 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12) ********************************* The readings today speak to us of marriage and friendship and the connection between the two. In so doing, they invite us to strive to be faithful friends to the Lord and to one another. In the Gospel, Jesus is confronted with the […]

Growing in Faith

HOMILY WEEK 07 01 – Year I (Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93; Mk 9:14-29) ************************************* Would you like to have a stronger, more powerful faith? Consider doing a monthly Poustinia in which you fast, and pray the prayer of the father in the Gospel today: “I believe, help my unbelief!” It is noteworthy that Matthew begins […]

Let the Law of Love Reign

HOMILY SUNDAY 7-C (1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-25; Psalm 103; 1 Cor 15:45-50; Lk 6:27-38) **************************************************************** A magnetic cartoon on a friend’s refrigerator caught my attention one day. It pictured a man holding a banner that read: “Who Would Jesus bomb?” It is time that we let the Law of Love reign supreme in […]

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