HOMILY WEEK 31 06 – Year I Co-workers in Christ for Justice and Peace (Rm 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145; Lk 16:9-15) *************************************************** “If you want peace, work for justice.” That bumper sticker is a reminder for us, as we approach Remembrance Day, to do our part to ensure peace and hopefully one day, see […]
Category: Ordinary Time
Faith-Evangelization-Jesus Christ
HOMILY WEEK 31 05 – Year I Joyfully Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ (Rm 15:14-21; Ps 98; Lk 16:1-8) **************************************************** Have you ever wondered what your life would be like without faith in Jesus Christ? Honest and open encounters with a Muslim woman and a Hindu computer programmer left me appreciating St. Paul’s […]
Faith-Humility-Love-St. Martin de Porres
HOMILY WEEK 31 03 -Year I The Commandments of Jesus: Optional Memorial of St. Martin de Porres (Rm 13:8-10; Ps 112; Lk 14:25-33) *********************************** Isn’t it interesting how love and hate both figure in today’s readings? First, we are to love one another, and then in the gospel we are to hate our families! In […]
HOMILY – ALL SOUL’S DAY Living the Paschal Mystery (Job 19:1, 23-27; Ps 103; 1Cor 15:20-23; Jn 12:23-26) ***************************************************** “Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.” Both the readings and today’s commemoration of All Soul’s Day invite us to follow Jesus in living the Paschal Mystery. Jesus, in the […]
SOLEMNITY: ALL SAINTS DAY Living In the Reign as Servants and Children of God (Rev 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12) ******************************************************** “It is heaven all the way to heaven.” This statement from St. Catherine of Sienna, and the All Saints Liturgy today, invite us to live in the reign of God […]
Faith-Great Commandment
HOMILY SUNDAY 31 – B Living the Great Command (Dt 6:2-6; Psalm 18; Heb 7:23-28; Mk 12:28-34) ************************************************* A young girl was praying kneeling by her bed head bowed, reciting the alphabet. When asked by her mother why she was doing that, she replied sweetly she was praying but couldn’t think of what to say, […]
HOMILY WEEK 30 06 – Year I Participating in God’s Mysterious Plan (Rm 11:1-2,11-12,25-29; Ps 94; Lk 14:1,7-11) ********************************************* “Has God rejected God’s people?” The Word Among Us commentary for today begins with that rhetorical question by St. Paul, who is asking whether God has given up on God’s chosen people. This builds on Paul’s […]
HOMILY WEEK 30 05 – Year I Jesus – Messiah and Healer (Rm 9:1-5; Ps 147; Lk14:1-6) ********************************************** Have you seen the movie “Messiah?” That movie about what it might be like if Jesus had come into our modern cellular and connected world relates to the readings today inviting us to place our faith in […]
Faith-Identity-Sts. Simon and Jude
HOMILY WEEK 30 04 – Year I Our Identity and Life in Christ: Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude (Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19; Lk 6:12-19) ***************************************** A bartender told two strings who went into a bar for a drink the bar did not serve strings and kicked them out. One of the strings asked […]
Faith-Narrow Door-Humility-Love
HOMILY WEEK 30 03 – Year I Humble Faith, Lively Hope and Genuine Love (Rm 8:26-30; Ps 13; Lk 13:22-30) ****************************************** Two questions arise out of the readings today for us to consider: one, do we really believe St. Paul when he claims that “all things work together for good for those who love God”? […]