Category: Ordinary Time


HOMILY WEEK 02 03 – Year II Balancing Mercy and Faith, Law and Love (1 Sm 17:32-51; Ps 144; Mk 3:1-6) ****************************************************** Why was Goliath so surprised when David struck him with a stone from his sling? Such a thing had never entered his head before! The readings today provide us with three distinct yet […]


HOMILY WEEK 01 06 – Year II The Call of Levi – Gratuitous Grace (1 Sm 9:1-19; Ps 21; Mk 2:13-17) ************************************************************ The Word Among Us offers this reflection for today’s liturgy: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus and his disciples are eating in the courtyard of Levis’ house. But his […]

WEEK 01 02 – Year II A Sacred Spiritual Spiral (1 Sam 1:9-20; 1 Sam 2; Mk 1:21-28) **************************************** How would you take the air out of a glass? Would you use a vacuum pump? Or simply fill the glass with water, and the air would be pushed out. In a similar way, the readings […]

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