HOMILY WEEK 16 01 – Year II Pilgrims of the Heart: (Micah 6:1-4; 6-8; Ps 50; Ps 50; Mt 12:38-42) *********************************************** There are two foci in the readings today: the infidelity of Israel, and the unconditional love of God calling them back. The infidelity is expressed in interesting ways: they have created a controversy with […]
Category: Ordinary Time
SUNDAY 16 – C Living within Mystery (Gen 18:1-10a; Psalm 15; Col 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42) *************************************************** All three readings today provide rich food for thought and nourishment for our spirit. They do so in a way that interconnects and weaves a strong invitation to us: we are invited to live within the mystery of Christ […]
HOMILY WEEK 15 06 – Year II Relational, Transformative Justice (Micah 2:1-5; Ps 10; Mt 12:14-21) ****************************************** “He will proclaim justice to the Gentiles, and bring justice to victory.” This promise in the gospel of Matthew today puts our focus on justice as central to following Jesus and our faith life. That should not be […]
Faith-Love-St. Bonaventure
HOMILY WEEKDAY 15 05 – Year II Love over Law; Compassion over Compunction: Memorial of St. Bonaventure (Is 38:1-22:8; Is 38; Mt 12:1-8) ****************************************************** “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” That simple statement of Jesus in the gospel today invites us into deeper faith in him as God among us, and into a deeper understanding of […]
HOMILY WEEK 15 04 – Year II An Invitation Like None Other: Optional Memorial of St Camillus de Lellis (Is 26:7-19; Ps 102; Mt 11:28-30) ************************************************* “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Some years ago, I received a similar invitation from my […]
Faith-Kingdom of God-St. Henry
HOMILY WEEK 15 03 – Year II Humble Faith – Key to the Kingdom of God Optional Memorial of St. Henry (Isaiah 10:5-7; 13-16; Ps 94; Mt 11:25-27) ********************************************* “Even the biggest ship needs a tug to move it out of the harbour.” That statement resonates with the readings today proclaiming humility as the virtue […]
HOMILY WEEK 15 02 – Year II Transformative Faith and Repentance: (Is 7:1-9; Ps 48; Mt 11:20-24) ********************************************** “Repent and believe – the kingdom of heaven is near.” That first sentence of Jesus in the Synoptic gospels is reflected in the readings today as an invitation to us – to stand firm in faith and […]
Will of God-St. Benedict
HOMILY WEEK 15 01 – YEAR II What God Really Wants, and Does Not Want, of Us: Memorial of St. Benedict (Is 1:10-17; Ps 50; Mt 10:34-11:1) ************************************************* At one point during his agony in the garden, Jesus utters a prayer that rings true for us in the light of today’s readings: “Father, not my […]
Great Commandment-Good Samaritan
HOMILY ORDINARY SUNDAY 15 C The Great Command and the Good Samaritan (Dt 30:10-14; Psalm 69 or 19; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37) ***************************************************** A mother sent her little girl to the store with strict orders to come straight back. When she was late returning, a worried mother asked her why. The girl responded she had […]
Faith-Martyrdom-St. Augustin Zhao Rong & Companions
HOMILY WEEK 14 06 – Year II Our Healing Journey of Faith: Optional Memorial of St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions (Is 6:1-8; Ps 93; Mt 10:24-33) ************************************** “Whoever acknowledges me, I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven.” That statement is a clear call to believe in Jesus. The readings add the dimension of […]