Category: Articles

A Paradigm Shift of Fait

HOMILY WEEK 06 02 – Year I (Gen 6:5-10; Ps 29; Mk 8:14-21) **************************************************** Have you ever experienced a paradigm shift? A paradigm shift is a movement away from one way of seeing reality, thinking or acting, to an entirely new way of seeing reality, thinking or acting. For those afraid of change, this reality […]

On Being Beatitude People

HOMILY SUNDAY 06 – C (Jeremiah 17:5-8; Psalm 1; 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:20-26) *********************************************************** There is a saying that life is more about the journey than the destination. To become Beatitude People, we must make the Beatitudes our way of life today. At the beginning of his ministry, immediately after his baptism, Jesus […]


Trust, Surrender and Love (Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90; Mk 8:1-10) ************************************** Why is it possible to not starve in a desert? We can always eat the “sand which is under our feet!” Today’s readings invite us to trust in God’s love, to surrender to God’s will, and to love as God has loved us. In […]

HOMILY WEEK 05 02 – Year I

 A Spirituality of Human Incompleteness: Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes (Gen 1:20-2:4; Ps 8; Mk 7:1-13) ******************************************* A child was paging through a large family bible when he came across a large Maple leaf his mother was drying in its pages. He ran to her excitedly to proclaim that he had found Adam’s […]

HOMILY WEEK 05 01 – Year I

Creation and Recreation: Memorial of St. Scholastica (Gen 1:1-19; Ps 104; Mk 6:53-56) ************************************************** The readings for a memorial like St. Scholastica today vary from year to year, thus presenting a different challenge to a homilist each time. Within the context of this memorial, today’s readings invite us to appreciate God’s grand plan of bringing […]

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