HOMILY WEEK 18 01 – Year II
Multiplication of the Loaves:
Memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguroi
(Jer 28:1-17; Psalm 119; Mat 14:13-21)
Give them some food yourselves (Mt 14:16)
Forty-two years ago, the Holy Spirit brought these words alive for Joe Difato and his colleagues, who founded the magazine The Word Among Us. This homily is taken from that same magazine as an anniversary tribute.
Together, Joe and his colleagues sensed a call from the Lord to help “feed” his people with daily encouragement from Scripture. At that time, they felt as ill-equipped to start a magazine as the disciples felt to feed five thousand people with a few loaves and fishes. But Jesus blessed them and multiplied their efforts just as he blessed the disciples’ meager rations.
Today, Jesus speaks these same words to all of us: Give them some food yourselves. He sees the hunger in each heart – a hunger for food, for love and for him. And he calls us to feed his people, both materially and spiritually.
Now, we might feel as baffled as the first disciples and think, “How can I feed all the hungry people in the world, let alone give them spiritual food? I don’t have the money or the faith or the training.” What we have seems so inadequate. But we can follow the disciples’ example and bring the little we have to Jesus. He will bless our efforts and use them to meet the needs of his people.
You don’t have to feed every person; just start by caring for the people right in front of you. The Holy Spirit can alert you to someone’s need. Does he need a listening ear? Is she short on cash in the checkout line? Are the husband and wife in the next pew struggling with their children, wondering if it’s worth coming to Mass? You may have only a little courage or resources, but you can reach out. Ask Jesus to bless your efforts as you “feed” them with whatever kindness, food, money or encouragement you can muster.
You will be amazed at what God can do through you! And you can pray, “Lord, I give all that I have. Use me to feed your people.”
Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguori, whose life spanned the 18th century. Born in Naples, he was ordained in 1726. He soon won a reputation as a preacher and became widely sought as a confessor. He was committed to preaching sermons that were simple to understand and structured to hold the listener’s attention. In 1732 he went to Scala and founded an order of mission priests that became the Redemptorists. Alphonsus lived an exceptionally holy life. He was a bishop from 1762 to 1775, insisting on the dignified and unhurried celebration of the Mass and the firm treatment of persistent wrongdoers. He was also an outstanding moral theologian, was known for his great kindness and concern for others and won back sinners to the fold by patience and moderation. His Moral Theology was published in 1748. He was canonized in 1839 and in 1871 was named a Doctor of the Church. He is a patron of moral theologians and confessors.
The Eucharist we celebrate now is God feeding and nourishing us through Word and Sacrament. May our celebration empower us to share our faith and love with others as did St. Alphonsus Liguori.