Faith-Word of God

HOMILY WEEK 27 06 – Year II

Hearing and Keeping the Word of God

(Ga 3:22-29; Ps 105; Lk 11:27-28)


In a way, all three readings today are about the Word of God.

The first reading has a unique way of saying all of creation is under the bondage of original sin – “scripture has imprisoned all things under the power of sin.” The psalm encourages us to seek the Lord and his strength, and from Luke we know we are to seek the scriptures. And in the gospel Jesus is clear – “Blessed are those who hear the word and keep it.”

For St. Paul, it is all about freedom. We are no longer under the constraints of any laws, because we are now in a faith-filled relationship with Jesus making external rules and regulations superfluous when placed within the context of a committed faith and selfless love. As St. Augustine put it, “Love and do what you will.”

When I was accepted to travel with the international singing group Up With People as a university student, I decided before setting out to Santa Fe where I joined them that, as I was considering a vocation to priesthood and religious life, I would not smoke, drink or date when with the group. Upon my arrival, I was informed the group had three rules – no smoking, drinking or dating! With a chuckle, I realized I was living these readings – the rules were in my heart, already being lived, and as far as I was concerned, totally unnecessary.

I could also watch with bemusement the struggle some of the other cast members were experiencing trying to keep those rules (and sometimes breaking them) because, precisely, they were imposed on them and not a freely internalized code of conduct. I must admit that was a youthful experience of what I would later come to realize St. Paul was talking about when he proclaims over and over again that Jesus came to set us free.

For Jesus, all that really matters is we believe in him and his Word, and live it out with love. Everything else will fall into place if we are doing that.

The Liturgy of the Word within the Eucharist takes on deeper significance in the light of this gospel, as this is truly one of the best ways we can hear the word of God and keep it.

So, all we have to do, to hear the word of God and live it, is believe in who Jesus is, and love as he taught us; have faith and do charity, or as the prophet Micah put it: Live justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.


Updated: October 10, 2020 — 4:11 am

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