Word of God-Will of God-Blessed Virgin Mary

HOMILY WEEK 23 06 – Year II

Founded on God’s Doing Will:

Optional Memorial of the Most Holy Name of Mary

(1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116; Lk 6:43-49)


How strong is the foundation of your life?

Today’s readings invite us to make the Word of God and doing God’s will the foundation of our life of faith.

In the gospel, Jesus uses the metaphor of building a house on either rock or sand as a way into a deeper understanding of how we can be more solidly grounded in our life of faith.

Those who believe in him, who not only listen to his Word, but truly hear what he is saying, and then act on that word, and actually live it out by doing his will, can then build their lives on that rock-solid foundation.

In the first reading to the Corinthians, St. Paul encourages them, and us, to be so securely established in God’s love for us in Jesus Christ, that we can let go of any idolatry, any over-attachment to the false gods of possession, prestige, power and pleasure in our lives. We are to make Jesus, his Word, and receiving his body and blood, the cornerstone of our lives.

The twelve-step program of A.A. has a unique insight into this mystery evident in Step 1. The metaphor I like to use to illustrate this step is trying to build a foundation of a house by mixing rocks, gravel and water – all one gets is a mess! But if those hard rocks are crushed into the grey powder one buys in bags, and that is mixed with gravel and water, one gets concrete that is used to build amazingly tall structures as well as formidable overpasses.

So it is with our lives. If we are proud and hard, like rocks bumping against each other, nothing happens, and no healing can take place in our lives. If, on the other hand, we are humble and lowly like that crushed rock, admitting our powerlessness, then our humble powerlessness can mix with God’s power, and amazing healing, change and transformation can happen to and in us. So, within that program, it is our powerlessness that is actually the foundation for a life of sobriety, joyous and free.

Today the church gives us the option of celebrating the Most Holy Name of Mary. This feast honouring the name of Mary was instituted by Pope Innocent XI in the 17th century. God the Father is glorified by the exalted role in salvation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thus, her name is one of honour, a holy name, a maternal name and a name responsive to the needs of the Church.

One of the needs of the Church today is to do metanoia, repentance, to change our ways and be the best persons we can possibly be, with her help, her example, her deep faith in Jesus her son, and her maternal love for us.

In fact, it seems that Jesus is echoing her words to the servants during the wedding feast at Cana: “Do whatever he tells you.”

More than ever, we need to pray to her for deeper faith ourselves, more profound awareness of how loved we are by God, greater humility and courage to come to her Son for forgiveness and healing, and emulate her in her life of prayer, compassion and fidelity to her calling as the Mother of God.

The Eucharist is a celebration of who we are, the Body of Christ; a source of forgiveness and healing, helping us become who we are, and a mandate to live out our identity as did Mary and St. Paul, true disciples of Jesus Christ. May our celebration help us truly become the chosen ones of God, holy and beloved, and live out that calling through the many ways love offers us.


Updated: September 12, 2020 — 3:27 pm
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