Mary of Bethany – Model of Genuine Caring
(Isaiah 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11)
Many years ago, well-known spiritual writer Henri Nouwen wrote a book entitled Out of Solitude. It contains three sermons he gave to health-care professionals outlining what it means to really care. One of the points he makes is offering a cure or healing without caring for the person is sometimes more harmful than helpful.
Mary of Bethany in the gospel today teaches us that same lesson – that sometimes genuine caring is all another person needs to face the vicissitudes of life.
This gospel takes place with the incident of Martha and Mary in the background. In that incident, Martha is upset because Mary is not helping her in the kitchen and is instead seated at Jesus’ feet. Jesus’ response is that Martha is worried about too many things, and that Mary has chosen the better part.
The “better part” Mary has chosen is significant for us. First of all, she is defying all cultural, social and religious mores of that time, because to sit at the feet of a master was a man’s role, and not that of a woman. Also, she was not just listening to the words of Jesus, more, she was aware she was in the presence of the Word made flesh. She believed in who he was, and was content just to be in his presence, soaking up his love.
That intimate relationship with Jesus led her to actually perform a prophetic and very caring act. Somehow, she knew much more than his disciples, what awaited him – his impending death, and so she anointed him for his burial, as Jesus himself states. She also intuited that although she could do nothing to stop that impending travesty of his trial and crucifixion, she could express her love and caring for him through this anointing. And that, it turns out, is exactly what Jesus needed at that moment. With that expression of love and caring for him in such a gentle, compassionate way, along with the blessings bestowed on him by the Father at his baptism and transfiguration, he now had the strength to go to the cross.
The pound of nard she brought in was worth a year’s wages at that time. Hers was an extravagant gesture conveying the message that Jesus is more important, and a relationship of listening to him and just being in his presence more valuable, than anything else in the world. As well, the scent of the nard that filled the house with its perfume is a symbol of the Holy Spirit that the risen Jesus would pour out on all who believe in him and seek to follow him, as of Pentecost.
Mary of Bethany lived out the teachings of Henri Nouwen about caring. She is an example for all of us of how we can and should care for each other, no matter how little we can actually do to help.
Sr. Helen Préjean, whom I met at the Los Angeles Religious education Congress one year, and author of Dead Man Walking which won an Oscar as a movie, is another Mary of Bethany. Knowing there is nothing she can do to stop an execution, she personally cares for each prisoner, doing what she can to support them, encourage them, and lead them to experience the forgiveness of God. With her genuine caring, many of them can go to their deaths with hope and a sense of perhaps being loved for the first time in their lives.
The Eucharist is a sacrament making present both the Word of God, and the unconditional love and caring of God shown us by Jesus throughout his ministry and his death on the cross, by which he left us the priceless gift of his body and blood.
May our celebration of the Word today help us to become more like Mary of Bethany and Sr. Jean Préjean, making the love of Jesus present in the lives of others by our genuine caring for them.
Well, we should have genuine caring and compassion when wanting to help a desperate person. If we have the heart than we should lend a hand to that individual who needs guidance or grabbing groceries from selves. Now, during the Pandemic outbreak people have difficulties going out or even shopping for groceries. If we can ; we should offer to buy food and groceries for people who are sick or vulnerable to get out and delivering it to their home. A friend ask us if we have any trouble buying food ; if so he or she can buy groceries for us and deliver it to your house. We said that we can still go out to buy food for ourselves. Thanks for your generosity . This friend said that if you have any difficulties we can call him or her. We can also offer ourselves by calling a friend on a phone or communicate with them online. There is no physical contact with people face to face or gatherings during Crisis. All of this act of kindness and genuine caring is doing it unto Jesus Christ . We would do the same to the Lord Jesus Christ by loving him with a whole heart and caring for one another. Amen. Thanks be to God.
Thanks for the heartfelt and kind messages that we should follow during passion week and expressing the genuine caring aspect with compassion and love. Bishop Sylvain Lavoie. Gracias! Des Coloures! ?????❤️❤️?????????