The Blessing of Our Geneologies
(Gen 49:8-10; Ps 72; Mt 1:1-17)
Are there any skeletons in your families’ closets?
Today’s readings can help us relax and trust that God can work marvels even with a less than holy family tree.

Birthplace of Jesus
Today we read the opening lines of Matthew’s Gospel—the first words that one reads in the New Testament. They are a listing of the genealogy of Jesus, the forty-two generations, three sets of fourteen, that stretch from Abraham to Christ. If the Word truly dwelt among us, then he was part of a family that, like most, was fairly dysfunctional—a mix of the good and bad. And this is such good news for us.
Let me highlight just two figures from Jesus’ family. First, Ruth, who was not an Israelite but rather a Moabite, a foreigner. Some of you reading this feel like outsiders, not part of the “in” crowd, looked at askance by others. Well, the Messiah came forth from Ruth the foreigner and was pleased to be her relative.
Then there is Rahab, a prostitute living and working in Jericho. Are there people reading these words who feel like Rahab? Who think that their whole lives have been sunk in sin? Well, the Messiah came forth from Rahab the prostitute, and he was pleased to be her relative. The good news of Christmas is that God himself pushed into the dysfunctional and ambiguous family of man, and can turn what seems to be a dismal past into something bright and promising for the future.
What is our story? Today many people are interested in DNA-based ancestry tests. We like to know where, and from whom, we come from. It is fascinating to see how our story links up with historical events, and if our DNA reveals some unexpected plot twists or links to people we never expected.
What we see in the gospel of Matthew is Jesus’ ancestral tree. We may not be biologically related to any of these men and women, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have been grafted into the body of Christ. Jesus is our brother, and we are now part of his family. That means his past is our past as well.
According to the Word Among Us, that means we have a heritage of deep and profound faith, like that of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and Mary. We can recall their stories, marvel at their faith and celebrate their lives as we would the memories of our grandparents. We may also want to celebrate the fact that their faith flows in us – they can teach us how to believe in and trust in God.
We also have a family tree of mercy. Like any family tree, this one has some surprises, some of the already mentions, like Rahab, the ‘woman of the night’ who came to faith and became a forebear of Jesus. Think of Ruth, the unlikely foreigner. Even King David had a checkered history God’s mercy was big enough to cover them all, and it is big enough to cover us as well.
Of course, the story doesn’t end with us. It keeps unfolding in our children’s lives and in the people we touch. We belong to a never-ending inheritance of grace as part of the family of God.
We are also especially part of Jacob’s family mentioned in the first reading, and the blessing he imparts on his sons, especially Judah, who receives this special blessing: “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and the obedience of the peoples is his.”
We know, through both hindsight and the eyes of faith, that the sceptre and ruler’s staff refers to Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, who is now our brother. That blessing of Jacob is also part of our family tree, and how great is that?
The Eucharist is our faith family meal passed down to us through two Millenia of time that has sustained our ancestors and offered them forgiveness and healing over those centuries. May our celebration today help us to see how the mercy of our God can use all of what we do and say, even our failings and sins, to build God’s kingdom and give glory to God.
It is a beautiful and lovely homily about genealogies. Most certainly Jesus Christ is known be the Messiah and life savior when he is born because it passed down by his ancestors of Israel. It was passed down to us through two Millenia of time from our ancestors and offer them forgiveness and healing . It was from Abraham , Elijah and Jacob that they are ancestors and descendants when they became the Old Covenant. This is passed down to King David who tried to live out the word of God. They also experience God’s mercy , forgiveness and healing over the those centuries. We can also do the same by experiencing God’s forgiveness through his son Jesus Christ when we understood his pain and suffering during his death and resurrection. We should realize Jesus ‘ suffering and know what we should do repentance and go through the healing process. Amen. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
Thanks again Bishop Sylvain Lavoie for the messages and teachings by convincing us to go through reconciliation and let go of our sins by asking God to forgive us for all sins and willing to repent . We should follow Jesus’ footsteps for us to be fully healed. It is a blessing. Gracie’s! ????????❤️❤️????✝?