HOMILY WEEK 18 01 – Year I
Faith in Jesus as the Bread of Life
Optional Memorial: Blessed Frédéric Janssoone
(Num 11:4-15; Ps 81; Mt 14:13-21)
“Moses said to the Lord” and “Jesus withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself.”
Those two quotes from the readings today encourage us to deepen our faith in Jesus through genuine, heartfelt prayer, as the Bread of Life.
If the classical definition of prayer is to “raise up whatever is in our hearts and minds to God,” then certainly Moses in the first reading is praying in a classical way. His prayer is striking in its humble honesty and sincerity, its genuine sharing of how heavy his burden of leading these ungracious people was, and his feelings of anguish, frustration and being loaded down with the responsibility God gave him.
The people were complaining, and stubborn in their griping – they wanted something other than what God was giving them to help them survive in the wilderness. They had entered into nostalgia, defined as comparing the worst of today with the best of the past. If Moses could pray this way, in his situation, that should free us to also share our thoughts and emotions, whatever they are, with God in our prayer.
For its part, the psalm not only encourages us to sing with joy to God our help, but also gives voice to the emotions God was feeling about God’s people – God’s desire for them to walk in God’s ways. One can feel God’s frustration at them, and what God must feel about us today, as so many stubbornly do their own will and walk in their own path rather than God’s, causing, of course, no end of trouble and problems in our world today.
In the gospel, we see the irony of the disciples wondering where they would get enough bread for the crowds, when they are in the presence of the Bread of Life, the only one who can truly satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart for love, belonging, worth, identity, and purpose. The numbers five loaves and two fish add up to seven, symbolizing wholeness, infinity, completion. The fact that there were twelve baskets full left over is a clear indication, to this Jewish audience, that Jesus was the Messiah, the one who would fulfill their religious system in a way that the temple sacrificial cult never could. They were to grasp that the false gods their ancestors continually turned to, possessions and pleasure, prestige and fame, power and control, would never even come close to satisfying their deepest desires.
Perhaps the reason Jesus went away by himself after learning his cousin John the Baptist had been killed, was to grieve and mourn his loss. Could this also be a gentle hint to us of the need to grieve and mourn the loss of our attachment to these same false gods in our lives, our favorite, pet and often hidden sins, that we have allowed to claim our allegiance all too often? After all, good spirituality is all about letting go, and we have to let go, or as St. Paul puts it, “crucify” anything in our lives that does not align with the will of God and teachings of Jesus.

Blessed Frédéric Janssoone
Today, the church honors Blessed Frédéric Janssoone, someone who lived these readings in an exemplary way. Born in 1838 in Flanders, Frédéric was the 13thand last child of well-to-do farmers. In 1856, Frédéric left school to support his widowed mother. After his mother died in 1861, he completed his studies and joined the Franciscans. Ordained in 1870, he was assigned as military chaplain during the Franco-Prussian War. In 1876, he was sent to the Holy Land, where he reinstated the Stations of the Cross through the streets of Jerusalem, built a church in Bethlehem and negotiated an accord among the Roman, Greek and Armenian Christians concerning the use and maintenance of the sanctuaries of Bethlehem and of the Holy Sepulchre. When he came to Canada in 1881 on a fundraising tour, Frédéric’s skill as a businessman, diplomat and preacher assure him a successful mission. He moved to Canada permanently in 1888 and set about helping organizers develop the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary (Notre-Dame-du-Cap) at Cap-de-la-Madeleine near Trois-Rivières. Frédéric died in Montreal on August 4, 1916. Buried in the crypt of the Franciscan chapel at Trois-Rivières, he was beatified in 1988 by Pope John Paul II. I feel a particular attachment to this saintly person for two reasons – he helped build the shrine my missionary order runs, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and also was involved in the present arrangement of the holy sites in Jerusalem, where our pilgrimage groups worshipped.
The Eucharist is our multiplication of the loaves in which Jesus teaches us, forgives us, heals us, and sends us out to be his disciples in today’s world. May our celebration strengthen our faith in Jesus, and the depth and genuineness of our prayer, so that we can pray much more like Moses, enter more readily into contemplative prayer like Jesus himself, and then also, like him, be bread for the world.
We can also be loaves of bread once we received the Eucharist because Jesus is present within us and he taught us to have forgiveness, mercy and healing us. As long as we believe in him and decided to follow his teachings that he establish through the New Covenant. Jesus is the bread of life who forgives us for our sins and loves us for who we are . God wants us to follow his faith and this is what he wants for the Jews ; but they are still refusing to believe in him. His disciples are delivering loaves of bread to the Jews ; hoping they will accept God and his teachings. Jesus is asking for the same thing and wanting us to live out the word of God. Lastly , he ask us to be his disciples to spread the word and enter readily into the Contemplative prayer ( Our Father) and be the bread for the world. Amen. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks again for the lovely reflections and stories. It is pretty clear what we need to do as his disciples . Thanks for telling us about Blessed Frederic Janssoone . ???????❤️❤️☮?✌?️ May God Bless you Bishop Sylvain Lavoie . Keep it up!