

This Is Exciting!

(Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14.7-14)


When was that last time that you really got excited?

Pray for faith that will excite you – faith in Jesus arisen from the dead.

It seems that the whole city of Antioch was stirred up with excitement by Paul’s presence in the synagogue that Sabbath as they gathered to hear the word of the Lord. Is there not a hint here that we also should be open to some greater excitement as we gather to worship on a given Sunday?

What was the cause of that excitement? In some ways, the answer to that question is complex, because the gift of faith is like a diamond with many facets. In the readings we have been hearing during the Easter season, and today is no exception, it has been called “message of salvation,” the “word of God,” “eternal life,” the “saving power of God” and the “victory of God.”

All of these terms express some facet of what is most commonly called the Good News, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and the implications that has for those who believe: freedom from fear, unconditional forgiveness of all our sins, healing of our painful emotions, negative attitudes and even our addictions. That should be cause of joy and excitement for all of us.

In the readings, there are two opposing responses: joy and excitement on the part of the Gentiles who believe, and jealousy and even blasphemy on the part of the Jewish leaders who were locked into a self-serving religiosity they had created for themselves. They consistently sold out to money, fame and power and refused to be open to this new paradigm that was the fulfillment of their own faith history, if only they could have looked with humble eyes of faith.

In the gospel, Jesus, speaking before his death and resurrection, adds another reason for joyful excitement – to see him is to see the Father. The Father dwells in him, and he and the Father are one. So when we have an intimate, personal relationship of prayer with Jesus, we also have an intimate personal relationship with the Father. To know Jesus is to know the Father. As Jesus put it, he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

The Eucharist itself is another reason for excitement and joy – we are nourished by the word of God that spread among the Gentiles, even to us today, and we are healed and transformed by receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus that empowers us to go out and proclaim this Good News to all we meet.

So let us remember to pray for a faith that will excite us, and help us spread that excitement to others – faith in Jesus Christ arisen from the dead.

Updated: May 18, 2019 — 12:27 pm


  1. We keep on praying for a faith that would bring us joy and excitement in the end whether we are going through tough times or waiting for a new beginning. As long as we believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the son of Man and the Holy Spirit being the same God then we will be saved and be healed. God is the creator; he concieved Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary and now he is risen . God is the father, son and the Holy Spirit. He is 3 in 1 God and we call it the Holy Trinity or the Trinitarian God. It is God who can transform us from being sinners into a different person and heal us to be better person. It is just like transforming the bread and wine into body and blood of Christ . When we receive the Communion ; Jesus is with us spiritually and present like in front of us. We are to praise and worship Jesus with joy and love as he is the Centre of our lives. Amen. Rejoice!

    1. Thanks again for the lovely messages and beautifully written . We are hearing the word of God over and over again . God Bless You. Bishop Sylvain Lavoie.

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