Forgiveness-Trust-Redemptive Suffering-Servant Leadership


Lessons from the Word

(Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31; Mt 20:17-28)


The Word of God today offers us four lessons for life, two from the Old Testament, and two from the Gospel: Forgive, trust, accept suffering like Jesus, and serve.

In the first reading, people are planning evil against Jeremiah, who has always been faithful to them in speaking God’s word. It is obvious they have betrayed him and let him down, and have been unjust towards him, and that he feels called to let it go and forgive them.

I remember resigning from the position of president of the student association as a university student because I was running away from my vocation, had no major in my third year, and didn’t know what I was doing there. I was shocked to find out the day the word got out that suddenly it was like I didn’t exist. Even the girls I was dating at the time ignored me, I guess because I was not longer president. That hurt, but it also taught me an important lesson for life – that one only needs, and perhaps can only expect to have, a small number of true friends who will stand by us when we fail or fall. I had to do some forgiving, to say the least, like Jeremiah.

The psalmist offers us a simple but important message – trust in the Lord at all times, especially when trials come, others let us down, or life sends us some hard knocks.

In the gospel, Jesus first of all predicts his own passion awaiting him in Jerusalem. What is key is that he did not avoid this suffering, but rather freely accepted it and bore it without bitterness or resentment. There was only serenity, dignity, forgiveness and non-violence. And that is the key to the secret of the kingdom for us as well – to be just like Jesus and accept suffering in our lives without bitterness or resentment. Then we are already in the kingdom with him, and our suffering takes on profound purpose and meaning. Connected to his suffering, it becomes redemptive suffering for the sake of the kingdom.

When his disciples blatantly do not understand his teaching about suffering, and instead jostle for positions of power, prestige and possessions (the same false gods Jesus faced and rejected in the desert), Jesus offers them another important lesson for life. The fullness of peace, joy, purpose and meaning comes to those who do not try to get something out of others or life, but rather seek to give to others and to life, to make the world a better place. He is speaking here of servant leadership, or using one’s gifts and talents to help others in any way we can. A world leader who echoed that teaching is Winston Churchill, who famously stated “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give away.”

Archibald Hart, in his book Healing Life’s Hidden Addictions, recounts the opposite example, as a warning to us all: “Polarized narcissism is usually found in people who have suffered from early life disruption or damage and whose nurturance and dependency needs have not been met. Such people often develop a deep desire for instant gratification. They know where, when and how they want it – and they want it now! They demand instant and excessive affirmation for even small attempts at work or in relationships. The needs of others never enter the picture. They are focused only on their own needs.”

The good news is that many a parish is given life and kept humming by countless volunteers who selflessly offer of their time, talent and even treasure to serve those who come to worship, to pray, to seek counsel, to ask for material help. I am so impressed to go to Sacred Heart here in Edmonton to find a mother and daughter washing floors both downstairs and in the main church itself on a Saturday afternoon, when they could be doing do many other activities, and on top of that, doing that menial task with great love and joy. They are living today’s gospel.

The Eucharist brings together all these teachings. It is an experience of God’s steadfast, suffering love and forgiveness. It is an act of deep faith and trust in God. And it mandates us to go and live out the Eucharist through selfless service.

Updated: March 20, 2019 — 4:06 pm


  1. All the lessons about the word of God is valuable to hear and acknowledge to keep in our minds and hearts. The beautiful message of having some pain and sufferings is essential so that we can experience the pain and being able to change as a individual. There are times we overcome anger, pain , bitterness , stubbornness and all negative thoughts we have for ourselves and towards other people. We keep on being narcissistic and gaining power and fame by following false gods and evil spirits who tempt us to sins all the time. What kind of results would there be if there is no love and forgiveness in this world . The world is full crimes , violence and terrorism and everyone are sinners by hidden into darkness. No one is drawn to look towards the light or the turning point that can change ourselves and change the entire world. What kind of world are we living in. As a person we must learn to have forgiveness by admitting our faults and sins ; also letting go of the past . We are to ask God forgiveness , repent and be fully healed to experience his unconditional love and joy. Amen. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. We should offer our time and sacrifice ourselves to help those who are in need and visit people are sick. We should have love and compassion in caring people who are lonely, the poor who is driving for food and water. People who are homeless and clothe the naked etc. I pretty much pray for these people and offer donations some times. Thanks again Bishop Sylvain for the inspiring words in telling us what need to do during Lent. Gracias! Bravo! May God Bless you! Pray for Pope Francis as he continue his mission by visiting those countries and pray for world peace.

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