Doing the Will of God
(Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23; Mk 6:30-34)
On Feb 28, 1944, a young Dutch woman named Corrie ten Boom and her family were arrested and sent to concentration camps for running a safe house for Jews during the Nazi occupation of Holland. This experience led her to write the book The Hiding Place.

Corrie ten Boom
In the midst of great suffering, Corrine’s sister Betsie reminded her the Scriptures called them to thank God for everything. So they did. They even thanked God for the infestation of fleas in the barracks. As they persisted in giving thanks, they noticed that the guards left them alone. They were able to hold Bible studies and led many fellow prisoners to Christ. They later found out that the guards stayed away because of the fleas.
On one level, this story shows God works through all things. But on another level, it shows how praising the Lord does something deeper in us. It helps us focus on the Lord so that we can experience his life and freedom more deeply. As Corrie and her sister praise God, they were less concerned about themselves and more able to pay attention to others and their need for Jesus
The readings today build on praising God in all things, within the context of doing the will of God. In a beautiful prayer, the author of Hebrews asks that God may “make us complete in everything good so that we may do God’s will, working among us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever.”
The reading adds that we are to not neglect to do good, to share what we have, and to be obedient to our leaders, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. So according to this reading from Hebrews, doing God’s will is continually praising God, doing good, sharing our possessions and obeying our leaders.
In the Gospel, Jesus models all of this for his disciples, and invites them to go away for a retreat. That too is a special time of praising God. We have much to praise God for – the gift of life, the gift of creation, the gift of love, even the sufferings that come our way that make us deep, and especially the freedom from fear that faith in Jesus and his resurrection from the dead brings. We can praise God anywhere and thank Jesus for who he is and what he has done for us. As Corrie and Betsie ten Boom discovered, the more we praise God, the more God sustains us, no matter how many “fleas” there may be around us.
The Eucharist is our greatest prayer of faith and praise. May our celebration today strengthen our faith in God’s love for us, fill us with gratitude and praise for that love, and empower us to see God at work in all the events of our lives.
Well thanks for continue to talk about doing the will of God through compassion, gratitude, forgiveness and unconditional love. I am heart warming by reading and pondering this homily that is full of love . May we continue to live out the love that God created for us and express it through his son Jesus Christ. I bet most of us is already doing the will of God through gratitude, hospitality , forgiveness and compassion by showing all of this to one another and to ourselves. We are to worship Jesus with compassion and heart warming feeling. Jesus is with us all the time ; we do not need to be afraid . We will see God’s power and work in all the events of our lives. Amen . Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks for the lovely readings and teachings we need to cherish and remember in our minds . We need to hear these type of meesages through out this week. Gracias! Bishop Sylvain Lavoie
I am already living out the word of God by receiving all the love and passion of Jesus himself by doing all these good deeds, helping people and healing people through prayers. To help spread the word of God , evangelizing by proclaiming the bible. I am grateful to be saved and healed by God. Amen. Amen.