Role of the law-love-doing the will of God


Law, Love and the Will of God

(Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40; Mk 3:31-35)


What happens when a lawyer falls into a pool of sharks? Nothing – professional ethics!

That is probably a bad lawyer joke, but it serves to set the context for the struggle humanity has with legalism versus love, as exemplified in the readings today encouraging us to move beyond law to love as the best way of doing the will of God.

The letter to the Hebrews speaks of the law being only a shadow of things to come. It is interesting – law can only inform, point out injustice, talk about God’s will, encourage and judge. The law is written on stone and on paper.

Christ, on the other hand, transforms, forgives, heals, cares, offers unconditional love, and accomplishes the will of God. Love is written on the heart.

The psalm response today picks up this theme in exhorting us to stand before God each morning to say, “Here I am, Lord – I come to do your will.” For the psalmist, doing God’s will is not a matter of offering sacrifices, but rather having an open ear to God’s word and a willing heart to put it into action, combined with grateful praise and a willingness to share with others what God is doing in our lives.

Jesus in the gospel is very clear – it is not those who use his name, know about him, want to see him, but rather those who actually do the will of God who truly are his family.

What is this will of God we are to make a priority in our lives. I think God’s will for us, as taught to us by Jesus, is to live the Beatitudes and keep his commandments.

The Beatitudes are eight ways of being in this world what will accomplish the will of God in our lives. To be poor in spirit, to be able to grieve and mourn our losses and have compassion on others, to be gentle with ourselves and others, to be fair in in our dealings with others and work for justice, to be a peace-maker and seek to bring about reconciliation, to be single-minded in serving God and pure of heart, to be able to forgive others from the heart, and to be able to accept some persecution and hardship without bitterness or resentment – to do all this is to accomplish the will of God and live within the kingdom of God.

I like to summarize the commandments as follows: we are to first of all love God back with our whole being in prayer and worship, love others genuinely from the heart through service and sharing, love ourselves by accepting ourselves as we are, love others as Jesus has loved us with sacrificial love, and above all, to love our enemies by forgiving them from the heart. To do all this is to certainly keep the commandments and do the will of God.

I recall a grade eleven student one time asking me why we Catholics worshipped Mary “when Jesus pushed her away the time his family came to see him,” obviously referring to the passage in today’s gospel. I responded it was just the opposite – he wasn’t pushing her away – he was using her as an example to teach the importance of doing God’s will. Mary is his mother physically – we can be even closer to him personally than she is to him that way, if we do the will of God.

Those who are part of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous and working the steps, will be naturally led into living the gospel every time they work Step eleven, which reads, “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, seeking only the knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry it out.”

The Eucharist is one of the best ways we have to live the readings today – to have an open ear as we listen to God’s word, to have a willing heart as we receive the very body and blood of Jesus, and to offer God heartfelt praise and worship.

May our celebration also empower us to go out to share that good news with others, and to live the Beatitudes and keep the commandment to love as Jesus has loved us.


Updated: January 29, 2019 — 2:08 pm


  1. We should share the Good News out to communities and to the world that God’s beatitudes and loving commandments as his will. He is really here ad present on this earth. When we keep his beatitudes by loving God that comes from our hearts and loving one another as we love ourselves. We are to show compassion and caring for the poor, the sick , grieving our losses and mourn loss souls for family and friends. We are to treat people with respect and dignity like being fair to people. Also, to keep his commandment to love Jesus has loved us because this is the first two commandments he wants us to do and keep in our minds daily. This is his will that the Lord Father wants him to do and spread the word out to his disciples, Gentiles, and to all people who receive Jesus in their lives. We are show people who is God the father and what kind of person he is. Jesus knows each one of us ; he know what kind of person we are. Amen. Gracias!

    1. Thanks for the wonderful homilies and words about living the Law and love that God created and by using Jesus to demonstrate it through his actions later during his passion, death and resurrection. You should be blessed for writing all those homilies everyday and Sharing it with us. Bishop Sylvain Lavoie .

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