Live the Mystery of Faith as Servants of the Gospel – Trust, Thank and Tell
Optional Memorial: St. Anthony Mary Claret
(Eph 3:1-12; Is 12:2-6; Lk 12:39-48)
“Life is mystery to be lived, not problem to be solved.”
The readings today invite us to live the mystery of faith as servants of the Gospel with trust, gratitude and a willingness to share our faith with others.
In the first reading, Paul is a prisoner for proclaiming the Gospel to the Gentiles. He focuses not on his imprisonment but on the Good News of the mystery of Christ made know by revelation, kept from humanity until now. This mystery was revealed to apostles and prophets by the Spirit; a mystery to be revealed through the Church; the mystery of our faith. We are all, Jews and Gentiles, members of the same body and sharers in the promise of Jesus Christ through the Gospel.
Paul stresses over and over his main preoccupation with the mystery of Christ. This dynamic is exemplified by Paul himself, who turns his negative reality as a prisoner, into an opportunity to spread the good news of this mystery.
The Good News is that we can be like St. Paul. In whatever situation we are in, we can be transformed from prisoners to servants; from prisoners of our situation, to servants of the Gospel. We can experience healing and transformation at a deep level, even the unconscious level, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can encounter the Spirit of Jesus at a level of our sin and sinfulness, our addictions and personality disorders, our cognitive distortions, our bottom, our worst reality.
Jesus is here to touch, to heal, to transform, to renew us, to take us to a new and deeper relationship with our God, others, ourselves and all of creation. We can share what Paul calls the boundless riches of Christ no prison walls can keep out nor contain. All we need is humility and faith, and we move from prisoners to servants, servants of the Gospel.
You may have noticed the psalm today is not a psalm at all, but a passage from the prophet Isaiah liturgists have adapted into a psalm for today’s celebration. In so doing, they made it possible to succinctly summarize a message for us in three words: Trust, Thank and Tell. We are to believe and trust in this mystery, thank God for it through praise and singing, and then proclaim this mystery to the whole world.
Trust or confidence is something we all need. But what is the source of our confidence? The world says it’s because of who weare and what weare capable of doing. But as Christians, we believe it’s because of who Godis and what Godhas already done for us. Isaiah declares he is confident because his strength and courage is the Lord (12:2). And in the first reading, Paul says we have confidence through our faith in Jesus (Eph 3:12).
Our true confidence lies in knowing, deep down, we have a Father in heaven who loves us and is always with us. We can lean on God at all times, and trust that God will supply all we need. And the more we consciously express our gratitude, the more confident we will become that God always has our back.
The parable of the prudent manager in the gospel suggests we are to be trustworthy managers and stewards of this mystery – for much has been given to us – the very mystery of salvation we are in turn called to share with the world!
Today we remember and honor St. Anthony Mary Claret. Born in Spain in 1807, Anthony, a weaver like his father, studied Latin and printing in his spare time. He entered the seminary at 22 and was ordained in 1835. For 10 years he preached missions and gave retreats throughout Catalonia and in 1849 founded a congregation known as the Claretians. Shortly afterward, he was appointed archbishop of Santiago in Cuba, where he brought reform both to the clergy and the laity. He stayed until 1857, when he returned to Spain and became confessor to Queen Isabella II. He combined this assignment with overseeing the activities of his congregation, preaching and publishing books and pamphlets. In the revolution of 1868 both Anthony and the queen were exiled. After attending Vatican I, Anthony sought refuge at a Cistercian monastery in France, where he died in 1870. He was canonized in 1950.

St Anthony Mary Claret
The Eucharist is spiritual food for our transformative spiritual journey from prisoners of our own passions to servants of the Gospel. So remember, life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. Live the mystery of our faith by being servants of the Gospel, trusting in God’s love, filled with gratitude, and ready to spread the Good News.
Well your teachings and messages are becoming more more inspiring and touching as to what we are suppose to do to serve God through the Gospel. It is true we are to believe and trust God for his teachings and messages he is telling us through praying and celebrations. He can also sent messages through our own time and our jobs. Jesus does this through many ways like singing , talking, dancing and shaking etc. Everyone is different, Jesus is with us till eternal life. We are to thank God by praise and worshipping him by singing with joy and happiness. We are to thank God through the celebrations and receiving the Eucharist because it is Jesus Christ. The body and blood represents Jesus Christ once the bread and wine was transformed into his body and blood. We are to worship Jesus with love and joy when we receive God’s love and mercy . We are to go out to spread the Good News to other people and communities. So, this is living the mystery of faith by being servants of the Gospel. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Thanks again for well touching and beautiful homily on living the mystery of faith through the gospel. There are many love and compassion through your homilies. You should be blessed. Bishop Sylvain Lavoie. Gracias!