Ready to Evangelize

(Hos 14:1-9; Ps 51; Mt 10:16-23)


“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves.”

This statement from Jesus can be a little intimidating. However, if we are solidly grounded in the Father’s love experienced through forgiveness and healing, we can be missionary disciples ready to evangelize an often hostile world.

Both the prophet Hosea and the psalm today affirm God’s love in spite of Israel’s infidelity. “I will love them freely,” Hosea has God proclaim. In both readings, that love comes through forgiveness and healing. In terms of forgiveness, we read God will blot out their transgressions, wash away their iniquity, and cleanse them from their sin.

In terms of healing, we read God will heal their disloyalty, teach them wisdom, purge them with hyssop, create a clean heart and put a new and right spirit within them. The result of all that forgiveness and healing will be the restoration of the joy of God’s salvation, and a renewed willing spirit.

All this speaks of the two-fold mission of Jesus as the Messiah – to redeem and to sanctify, to forgive and to heal. This experience of being loved by God will prepare the disciples, and us, to be joyful missionaries of God’s love to that resistant and hostile world Jesus warns them about. We know that today there are probably more martyrs being created than at any other time in the history of the Church.

The Word Among Us, in a commentary for today, provides an interesting analogy. A letter, however well written and sealed, goes nowhere without a stamp. We are that letter, with our gifts, talents and effort, and God’s grace is the stamp that will render out ministry fruitful. It is important we stay rooted in God’s love especially through prayer, both discursive and contemplative, and participation in the sacramental life of the Church.

Today we honor someone who knew God’s love and shared that love with the world around him – St. Henry. Henry II lived from 972 to 1024. Descended on both sides from Charlemagne, he was the son of Henry, Duke of Bavaria, and Gisela of Burgundy.  In 995, he succeeded his father as duke and in 1002 was chosen to succeed his cousin Otto III as Holy Roman Emperor. The education he received from St. Wolfgang of Regensburg kindled in Henry a lifelong interest in ecclesiastical affairs, which merged with his secular power. He created the See of Bamberg in 1006, built its cathedral, and supported the reforms initiated by the monks at the great monastery of Cluny in France. Known as Henry the Good, he was renowned as a just and clement ruler, a man of prayer and a humble ascetic. He was canonized in 1146 by Pope Eugene III and is a patron of Benedictine oblates, childless couples, dukes, kings and the physically challenged.

The Eucharist is our greatest prayer and best way to stay grounded in God’s love, to receive both God’s forgiveness and healing, through word and sacrament, and also the greatest source of our joy.

May our celebration cleanse us, make us whole, and strengthen us to joyfully proclaim the love of God we have experienced, to a world that needs it yet often resists it.



Updated: July 14, 2018 — 3:30 am


  1. Basically, God send us out to evangelize his word and gospel by having love and forgiveness towards people. Once we forgive people and learn how to love people we will be healed by the Father. Just like Jesus going out there teaching people about love and forgiving our neighbours like forgiving people who have hurt us. He represents his Father by spreading the word and proclaiming the gospel. He showed his love by helping people, heal the sick, forgive people for their sins and answers our prayers. This is what he wants us to do just like his disciples and becoming his missionary disciple. We should share our experience with God by using this love and gifts to help people who are in need , the poor, the sick and any problems . As long as our faith remains with God and follow his ways of teachings , we will be saved. The word of the Lord Thanks be to God.

  2. Thanks for the beautiful and well written message and teachings . We should keep this in our minds and remember it as we start our day off. Thanks Bishop Lavoie. Gracias !

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