Make Every Situation your Cathedral

(Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Ps11; Jn 21:20-25)


Imagine spending years in prison or under house arrest, as Paul did. Or imagine languishing in harsh conditions – including nine years in solitary confinement – as did Vietnam Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan (1982-2002) did. Now imagine that despite your restrictions, you continue to spread the gospel of hope in Christ – just as these two did.

The readings today, and a commentary in The Word Among Usencourage us to make every situation into our cathedral.

You might ask how these two men did it? They may have been imprisoned in body, but their relationship with Christ kept their hearts and minds free.

Consider the words of Cardinal Van Thuan: “All prisoners, myself included, constantly wait to be let go. However, I decided (upon arrest) that my captivity would not be merely a time of resignation but a turning point in my life. I decided I would not wait. I would live the present moment and fill it with love. When the Communists put me in the hold of the boat along with 1,500 other prisoners and moved us to the North, I said to myself, ‘Here is my cathedral, here are my people God has given me to care for, here is the my mission; to ensure the presence of God among these, my despairing, miserable brothers. It is God’s will that I am here. I accept his will.’ And from that minute onwards, a new peace filled my heart and stayed with me for thirteen years.”

Well known writer and speaker Paula D’Arcy puts it this way: “Many times God shows up disguised as our life.” Even if we feel hemmed in, and in situations that we can’t resolve or control, we can decide here and now to make that situation our cathedral. We can accept what comes our way, make the most of that present moment, and we will begin to experience God’s freedom and peace.

By keeping our eyes open, and that positive attitude, we can have a fruitful ministry, just as much from a jail cell as a pulpit, just as much from a hospital bed as in a mission field. Has God called you to this place? Then don’t wait! You are important to God’s plan. Discover that plan and make your situation your cathedral, as did both St Paul and Cardinal Van Thuan.

Updated: May 20, 2018 — 3:18 am


  1. We can also be like martyrs like St. Paul and the Cardinal Van Thuan by evangelize and proclaiming the gospel in certain countries, communities and cities. If you are willing to surrender and sacrifice yourself to the Lord no matter if you end up in jail. This is what these two people did they kept on spreading the gospel and teachings in certain counties even it was forbidden due to the government and the Law. So, there situations and plan became their own cathedral. There is many communist counties forbid people in proclaiming the bible and gospel that is related to the Lord Jesus Christ. Counties like China is the same as Vietnam, proclaiming the bible is a restriction to their Law and due to their beliefs . There are many bad things happening in this country. Amen. Amen Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. Thanks Bishop for the homily and messages on proclaiming the bible and dealing with our situations can be a cathedral. I agree with your messages and teachings.

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