We Are God’s Temple

(1 Kn 8:1-13; Ps 132; Mk 6:53-56)


The first reading is all about the glory and magnificence of the temple – the ark of the covenant is brought to the Temple; sacrifices innumerable were made; there were only the stone tablets in it that were placed in the Holy of Holies, and the Glory of the Lord filled the Temple.

As the Messiah, Jesus was sent to restore the temple, gather all nations to himself, and overcome the enemies of Israel. In the gospel, we see him doing just that. He gathers all nations to himself by going into pagan territory, the land of Gennesaret, and by going from town, village and farm, reaching out to the periphery. He overcomes the enemies of Israel by healing the sick and dispelling illness. Above all, he is the new Temple of God in his person. He is the glory of God that was to be restored to the temple.

What is important for us to note here is that we are the Temple of God, for the Holy Spirit, the glory of God, dwells within us. Unlike the thousands of bloody sacrifices offered on that day, we are to be a holy sacrifice ourselves by our lives of love. Our loving presence can bring healing to others.

We know that people like Jean Vanier, Dorothy Day, Catherine von Dougherty, all brought hope and healing to those with whom they were in contact. They are examples to us of what it means to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.

The Eucharist is our temple worship. We offer not the blood sacrifice of animals to God that does not change hearts, but the one and only true sacrifice of Jesus, his Son, whose love takes away the sins of the world.

May our celebration today help us to appreciate, and live, our reality as temples of the Holy Spirit.





Updated: February 5, 2018 — 12:56 am


  1. Bishop thanks for the message about God’s temple and what is the Ark of the Covenant . Jesus Wipe all demons , enemies , heal the sick and dispelling illnesses and cleans lepers and rebuild the temple. He represents the templeof God and the Holy Spirit. He takes away the sins of the world . If we choose to follow him and trust him. Praise be to God. Thanks again for the homily

  2. Thanks for the early homily and Do you have one for Sunday ? It is okay if do not have one .

  3. In the temple Jesus Christ is present when there is the Ark of the covenant . We should praise and worship the Lord and not allow demons and evil spirits to take over and turn it into a market place. We see enemies doing just that and the Jesus Christ rebuilds and restores the temple after 3 days . This is what I remember. Amen

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