HOMILY WEEK 31 02 – Yr I

Living as Members of the Body of Christ

(Rm 12:5-16a; Ps 131; Lk 14:15-24)


Years ago, I took the Community Addictions Training course offered by Nechi Institute in St. Albert. As an Indigenous institute, the course was 80 percent right-brain activity and only 20 percent lecture – just the opposite of my university experience. I wondered if they would be able to present the module on the effects of alcohol on the body in a right-brain way – but they did. We were divided into groups, each given the task of studying the effects of alcohol on one part of the body, and given materials to make a model of that body part as it would look damaged by the abuse of alcohol. Returning to the conference room, we found a huge human figure outlined with masking tape on the floor. Each group placed its infected body part in its appropriate place on that human figure and then taught the class what they had learned. The result was not only informative, but visually striking and had an impact on motivating us all to never abuse alcohol in our lives.

The readings today invite us to live out our membership in the Body of Christ by using our gifts to work for unity and live virtuous lives.

St. Paul, in the first reading, reminds the Romans that they, “though many, are one body in Christ and members of one another.” On a spiritual level, we are all related – a connection with Indigenous spirituality that has participants in a sweat lodge proclaiming “Kahkiyaw ni wakomakanak” – “All my relations” – a humble reminder that we all part of a much larger whole. So, we must always work towards unity, and against disunity. It is interesting that one name we give the evil one is the “devil,” from the Greek “diablos,” which means to divide. So, wherever there is a spirit of bitter divisiveness in any group, one could say that, to a certain degree, there is a diabolical force at work.

Second, we have been given many gifts and talents that we are to use to build up the Body of Christ. St. Paul lists prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhorting, giving, leading, being compassionate. Fittingly, there is a book entitled Gifts Differing that speaks of all the different gifts of the Spirit that we are given. There are even workshops on discernment of gifts that many parishes have undertaken. We need to ask ourselves what are our particular gifts and talents, acknowledge them, thank God for them and then put them to the service of others. The old saying, use them or lose them, applies here.

Finally, Paul lists a variety of virtues that go to make up Christian life: love, avoiding evil, respect, zeal, ardent in spirit, serving, patience, joy, hope, prayer, generosity, hospitality, and forgiveness above all. This is the second check list for Christian living that Paul provides, very similar to 1 Cor 13. Both are a litmus test for us on how we are living out our membership in the body of Christ.

The reading from St. Paul ends almost like a musical piece, in a crescendo focused on forgiveness that is able to bless even our persecutors. Forgiveness is a powerful force, and so is a blessing. Both are core elements that build up the Body of Christ.

Recently, I conducted a retreat for my Oblate brothers at Westminster Abby in BC. Archbishop Emeritus Adam Exner, my former professor and spiritual director, attended the retreat at the age of 93. I was somewhat intimidated at first, but delighted that in the end, he wrote these words in the thank you card that I was presented: “The student has surpassed the teacher – I am proud of you.” I was stunned, profoundly moved, grateful, filled with joy and energized by this blessing. Adam was truly an elder, blessing a younger Oblate bishop. He was empowering me to be more generative – a blessing that I will carry to my dying day.

Male spirituality teaches that boys are born to be warriors, but there is more to life than doing battle, competing and climbing to the top. To stay on that path runs the risk of becoming bitter old fools. Initiation rites help men descend, let go of the need for power and control, move into deeper relationships and more mature lives of prayer, and eventually become kings, wise old men, elders. That is what Archbishop Adam was for me, and that we are to be to those younger than us as we age graciously. That, too, is living as a member of the Body of Christ.

Jesus, in the Gospel, reminds the Pharisees that living in the Kingdom of God is always an invitation, one that they unfortunately kept resisting. The Eucharist is our response to this invitation. It is our anticipated participation in that heavenly banquet to which we are invited by Jesus.

May our celebration deepen our membership in the Body of Christ, empower us to use all our gifts and talents to love, bless, forgive and work for unity as we build up the Kingdom of God.

Updated: November 8, 2017 — 5:29 am


  1. Oh, Bishop I needed to say this I LOVE YOU ! Je t’aime ! I wanted to say this many times. You are amazing and beyond successful on your duties and retreats you giving to people. We always praise you and worship you, you are more than a professor. These are one of the gifts from God and I am glad you are using it. Blessings!

  2. Secondly about the gifts from the Holy Spirit and God I have been to those seminars and those programs about the discernments of Gifts . They teach you how to use these gifts and when to use it. There some of the gifts you cannot control like people shaking during mass , especially during the Eurcharistic ministry and people crying while praying. People having the gift on toughs you can’t control it , it comes unexpected. There is some people asking certain people to control it during mass. Some people does it like they are crazy or have mental illness . You can pray to God asking him to appear at a certain time or have another gift. If you do not use these gifts God will take it back. I don’t shake during mass , I have the gift to sing and the gift of helping people. I also have the gifts of toughs while praying. I don’t know about people shaking or turning into circles during mass even praying the rosary. I agree with the readings today I even had a sense you will be using the same gospel reading and the letter from the Romans before showing up with this post. I trust in God, I do not make things up. Amen

  3. I asked you that question because there are people wondering about these gifts and is it useful during mass. Is there a right or wrong? What do you think? You can reply or email me. There are still people who do not believe in these gifts. Just respond on your own time.

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