St. Faustina Kowalska

HOMILY WEEK 26 06 – Year II

Humble Faith, Repentance and Awe:

Optional Memorial of St. Faustina Kowalska

(Job 42:1-17; Ps 119; Luke 10:17-24)


“When you are dead, you do not know that you are dead – all of the pain is felt by others left behind. The same thing happens when you are stupid.”

That cryptic saying, and the readings today, invite us to be wise, to let God enlighten us so that we can be humble, filled with awe and repent.

St. Thomas Aquinas, the renowned thirteenth-century Dominican friar, was the greatest theologian of his time, perhaps the greatest ever. Yet after a mysterious encounter with God at age 48, he retired from writing. We don’t know exactly what happened, only that one afternoon he returned from praying in the chapel having lost all motivation to write. “All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me” was all he could say.

In a sense, this story reflects what Job expresses in today’s reading. Having been through intense suffering and taken part in a lengthy argument about how to understand his trials in the light of a loving God, Job receives his own vision of the Almighty. Finally, he “smartens up” and realizes that it was never his role to figure everything out.

When Job says that the things of God are “too wonderful” for him, he isn’t saying he is too stupid to grasp or experience them. Rather, he is celebrating the rich and eternal love that God has for him. He is saying that God’s truth, beauty, and goodness are so vast that we’ll never fully understand or explain them.

Job’s experience is similar to Peter’s when he first met Jesus. “But now that my eyes see you, I repent in dust and ashes” is what Job says. Peter felt compelled to say, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man” after the miraculous catch of fish. Both were humbled, and learned a lesson in humility.

Having learned that lesson, it is interesting that God goes on to bless Job. The numbers are significant. Thousands, seven, three – all perfect numbers suggesting that the virtue of humility opens up to us all the richness and treasures of God’s perfect love.

In the Gospel, the disciples rejoice in exercising the power Jesus gave them over demons. Jesus also rejoices to see them take risks in his name and proud they were experiencing the power of the Spirit flowing through them. But at the same time, Jesus knew that these disciples needed a course correction. Where they were proud of their spiritual power, Jesus wanted them to be proud of their heavenly citizenship. Where they were excited that demons submitted to them, he wanted them to be excited about the joy that comes from belonging to their heavenly Father. Their rejoicing, while a good thing, focused more on themselves than on the God whose power they had just witnessed.

The Word Among Us reminds us that this is the heart of the spiritual life. Growing in holiness is a matter of shifting the focus from ourselves to Jesus, and the heavenly calling he has given us. It doesn’t’ matter what “powers” we may have; what is most important is our willingness to accept God’s power and authority over our lives. That is where the Book of Job shines – he has been exemplarily faithful to God through untold tragedy and tribulation, which rather than making him proud, leaves him filled with humble awe at God’s goodness, and wanting to repent even for just “uttering what he did not understand, things too wonderful for him, which he did not know”! What a model of humble faith in God’s love.

Jesus goes on to say that to see him is to see the Father. That is what St. Thomas experienced when Jesus appeared to him, and he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God”. St. Thomas would probably agree to this succinct summary of Catholic theology: “We make our way back to the Father, through Jesus our Lord, with Mary our Mother, in the Holy Spirit.”

Today we honour St. Faustina Kowalska. Born in the village of Glogowiec, near Lodz, in Poland n 1905, and dying in Krakow in 1938, St. Faustina spent her short life amongst the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, generously conforming herself to the vocation she received from God and developing an intense spiritual life, rich in spiritual gifts and in faithful harmony to them.

In her diary of her soul, the sanctuary of her encounter with the Lord Jesus, she herself recounts what the Lord worked in her for the benefit of all; listening to him who is love and mercy, she understood that no human wretchedness could measure itself against the mercy which ceaselessly pours from the heart of Christ. Thus, she became the inspiration for a movement dedicated to proclaiming and imploring Divine Mercy throughout the whole world.

Canonized in the year 2000 by St. John Paul II, the name Faustina quickly because known around the world, thereby promoting in all the parts of the people of God, pastors and lay faithful alike, the invocation of Divine Mercy and its credible witness in the conduct of the lives of believers.

The Eucharist is a humble meal with Jesus and a profound act of faith, as we listen to God’s word and commune with the body and blood of Jesus. May our celebration deepen our faith, lead us to be humble and open, and allow God to bless us and work through us to spread God’s love to the world.


Updated: October 5, 2024 — 3:15 am

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