Following Jesus into the Kingdom
(Job 9:1-16; Ps 88; Lk 9:57-62)
The kingdom of God, discipleship, priorities, sacrifice, witness, redemptive suffering and prayer are a sequence of themes making up the readings today.
The kingdom of God is the underlying reality of the gospel, revealing again the main focus and interest of Jesus in all his teaching, preaching and ministry. That is understandable as his mission was to inaugurate the kingdom of God among us, here on earth, here and now, a sharing in the very divine life he enjoys with the Father. The most obvious statement about that “realized eschatology” in theological terms forms my motto as a bishop – Regnum Dei Intro Vos– the kingdom of heaven is among you, taken from Luke 17:21.
Within that focus, Jesus immediately set about forming a fledgling community, calling humble, ordinary folks to follow him into the kingdom as disciples. A disciple – Mathanete– means a learner, one who listens, imitates, and strives to become a carbon copy of the master. In the gospel today, some offer to become disciples, others are called. Both initiatives receive enigmatic statements from Jesus suggesting discipleship is both very special and demands total commitment.
To the one who expresses a need to bury his father, the response of Jesus clearly makes proclaiming the kingdom a higher priority than even that sacred and social obligation. Believers have taken this seriously over the history of the church, missing the death and burial of loved ones for the sake of missionary activity. Fr. Bill Stang OMI, for one, missed the death of both his mother and a sister when he was in Kenya helping found the Oblate mission in Meru.
To the other who offers to become a follower, Jesus stresses the sacrificial aspect of living in the kingdom as a disciple. Even he, the Son of God, had to sacrifice the comforts of a more settled existence as he went about Galilee spreading the good news of the kingdom. One might even have to forgo a farewell party when one has been sent out on mission – so urgent is the call to make the kingdom present in people’s lives!
The book of Job adds an Old Testament dimension to this kingdom – that of redemptive suffering. Job prefigures Jesus in the way he was able to accept suffering that seemed meaningless and pointless in his life without bitterness or resentment, and that is the key to the mystery of the kingdom of God – the brokenness of Jesus on the cross – forgiving those who were crucifying him.
When we are able to accept suffering in our lives without bitterness or resentment, we are in the kingdom and just like Jesus on the cross. And when we act like God, we get to feel like God – peace and joy, knowing we, like Jesus, are doing the Father’s will, and our suffering, connected with his, takes on deep meaning and purpose. It actually becomes redemptive suffering, just like his, helping build up the kingdom of God here on earth in a mysterious way.
The psalm adds a last element to following Jesus as his disciple, and that is calling out to God in prayer. The prayer Psalm 88 seems to suggest is the prayer of the Anawim, the poor people who know they need God, who have no pretensions or illusions, who trust completely in God’s providence, and who ask God especially in the morning for the spiritual gifts they need just for that day, and receive those gifts in faith.
St. Francis of Assisi possessed that kind of humble faith, trusting in God’s providence, depending on alms for their sustenance, and experienced in his life the joy of imitating Jesus in that way and humbly walking with God as he renewed the life of the church of his time.
The Eucharist brings all these themes together as we gather to profess our need for forgiveness and healing, be nourished by God’s own word, and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus visible only as humble gifts of bread and wine.
May our celebration empower us to live out these themes, follow Jesus as his disciples, and help build up the reign of God here on earth.
Let us be Jesus’ follower and understand his teachings and lessons that we need to inherit in our lives. We can also be his disciples by listening to his words and accept redemptive sufferings . We need to have forgiveness and love that comes from our hearts in order to be healed . It means we have to forgive people who have hurt us many many times and love them when they have changed . We are to accept some suffering like Jesus dying on the cross with out resentments, bitterness , stubbornness and anger. We can do the the same by acting like God and Jesus Christ. We can show our love and support by helping people who need a hand; or even heal people by praying over them . This is the most important lesson and commandment we should follow as a Christian or Catholic. We love you Jesus Christ, you are number one in our lives. Amen . Des Coloures!
Thanks Bishop Sylvain for the homily and messages in being disciples of Jesus Christ and entering g the kingdom of God. Blessed . Many Blessings!